Chapter 16

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Daryl and Aaron had split up to cover more ground. The palace was huge. They were going to meet up where they first started. It was a good thing that Daryl had an excellent sense of direction because he had wondered a long way from the servants' entrance to the kitchen.

Daryl heard someone around the corner, making him stop in his tracks. He leaned his back against the wall and peaked around the corner. There was a woman who was coming out of a room. Her back was to him. She was wearing a long blue dress that made her look like she just stepped out of a period painting. Daryl grinned as he rounded the corner. He'd recognized that long white hair anywhere.

Hearing someone coming up behind her, Carol turned around with a quickness to see Daryl's hooded form. She wasn't frightened, she knew it was him. As a smile crept on her lips, noise that practically came out of nowhere interrupted them. It sounded like a small group of women, possibly servants.

Carol rushed to Daryl, grabbed his hand, guiding him to the door she just came out of, and opened it. Daryl dashed inside. It was a bedroom, with a full bed, two dressers, a book shelf, and a table and chair. He assumed it was Carol's bedroom. Carol followed in, and then closing the door. Then, she turned around to face him. "It took you long enough," she said as she rushed into his arms.

"Sorry," he mumbled with amusement.

Carol pulled back. "Nice threads. I take it you got my clues."

"Every single one. Magna came along, but she's not here though. Stayed at the house with the others," he said.

"I know. I was behind the curtain when Ezekiel and the others were announced. I came back here to get a pistol. I had swiped from the armory several weeks ago," Carol said. "What's the plan?"

"I can't kill him outright," Daryl said. "According to Magna, whoever attacks him will get torn to pieces by his lieutenants and army."

"Yes, that's what Kelly told me, too," Carol said.

"So, I'm going to initiate a challenge. Do you know anything about a decree called the Trials of Glory?"

"No. What is it?"

"Whoever wishes to take this place away from D'artagnan has to initiate a challenge publicly to make it legal. Then there are three tests the person must pass."

"What if they don't pass them?"

"Death," Daryl said bluntly. "I know about the first one. Magna said the challenger will have to fight and kill some sort of scientific super walker called The Raven. What comes after that, she didn't know because no one has ever passed the first test."

"Whoever those guys were might not have had enough experience dealing with walkers. Science or not, a walker is still a walker; dumb brainless things that eat anything that make noise. You should be able to handle it."

"That's what I was thinking but the closer we got to Hampton the more nervous Magna got."

"I'm sure it's from her being nervous about being here. How did she get past the guards? No one recognized her?"

"She was wearing a cloak like me and a mask."

Carol nodded. "So, you snuck into the palace with Ezekiel, Negan, and the rest to initiate this challenge in public?"

"Yes, but I had to find you first to see if you were all right and to see if you had any information I could use."

"Not about this Trials of Glory, but I'm sure I can find out. Do you have to pass all three tests in one day?"

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