Chapter 13

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Daryl and his friends had stopped five miles outside of Hampton's gates to change into what Negan called their costumes. They had hidden the carwagon under a pile of wood and twigs fifteen miles away along with some gear they wouldn't need in Hampton. According to Ezekiel, a transport like that would look inferior to someone like D'artagnan. Ezekiel had to give the impression that he was on the same level as their enemy.

Daryl and Aaron had on long thick gray capes with big sleeves with hoods. They rode on the front of the carriage with Aaron directing the reigns of the horses. Ezekiel had instructed Daryl to pull the hood over his face as much as possible when they arrived. Since Daryl would be the one initiating the challenge, Ezekiel didn't want D'artagnan to associate Daryl with him.

Jerry wore a burgundy uniform with gold trim as he held on to a railing on the side of the carriage, riding on the large foot rest. Ezekiel was dressed in his finniest king outfit and his cape with fur on the collar riding inside along with Magna, who had the same type of cape as Daryl and Aaron rode, and Lydia, who was dressed in a long skirt and blouse she had found at one of the houses they had camped at on the way. Magna wore a medieval style mask that one of the blacksmiths back home made for her so she wouldn't be recognized by any of the soldiers. Negan was inside the carriage wearing a dark blue suit with a white shirt. To Daryl's chagrin, Negan was playing a lord who accompanied King Ezekiel to form an alliance. Alden also rode in the carriage dressed in the Kingdom armor attire. Most of the ladies who made their clothes were from the Kingdom so making the outfits and armor took them no time. Wearing the same uniforms as Alden, Neil, Jack, Lance, Woody, and Frank rode along both sides of the carriage on horses. Their supplies and gear were on top of the carriage and in a carrier on the back.

They started crossing a bridge that had been cleared of cars. Slushy snow covered the ground as the horses pulled the carriage.

"This is it. The bridge that gets us on the island," Aaron stated.

They traveled along in silence until the fifteen foot stone wall Magna had described came into view.

"Wow," Aaron mumbled. "I know Magna said it was big, but describing it and seeing it are two different things.

"It's smart. Not made out of wood, can't catch on fire," Daryl said. He turned around and opened the slot behind him. "We see the wall. Another forty feet or so we'll be at the gate. Are you guys ready?"

"As we'll ever be," Magna said and reached for her mask.

"Shit, I'm more ready than a virgin on prom night," Negan said with a big smile.

"Ugh," Daryl groaned and slammed the slot shut, grateful that he wasn't riding inside the carriage.

A guard post built out of logs next to the iron gates came into view. Four soldiers stepped out of it holding AKs before the carriage got close.

"I wonder if they're loaded," Aaron said. "Magna had said that gunpowder was a rare commodity before she and the others had left"

"Probably are. They're the first line of defense for this place," Daryl murmured.

"That's far enough!" the guard with the gold trim around his collar and cuffs ordered.

Aaron halted the horses.

The man approached them with the other three soldiers who did not have gold trim on their uniforms walking behind him. "I'm Lieutenant Ross of the fifth legion which is under King D'artagnan's rule. Who are you?" He had straight, white hair that had been freshly trimmed and pale skin.

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