Chapter 14

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After a rich lunch, Negan, Ezekiel, Jerry, Neil, and Woody went into town to look around and see what they could learn about Hampton. When they returned, they had reported on the heavy solider presence around the food and supply warehouses along with the hundreds of people lined up for rations. The people in the lines were open to harassment by the soldiers. Neil and Woody learned that if D'artagnan spotted a woman in town he liked, he sent soldiers back for her. The families they leave behind don't know what happened to them. They just know that D'artagnan wanted them in the palace. The shops and trade post in town were made to pay a heavy tax to the palace in whatever items they have. If they're behind or can't pay, they get thrown in the dungeon and made to work off what they owe.

If someone from the upper class died, they were buried inside the walls, the rest got cremated. The farms and greenhouses were more than enough to support the kingdom. They had livestock and access to seafood thanks to being close to the ocean. Workers were paid in food and supply vouchers that can be used for trade. The soldiers were paid by being given free room and board. The soldiers with families were given a small home and a generous stipend of food and supply vouchers. The town had solar panels, but they had to preserve energy. There was a law that everyone had to use candles, flashlights, and other alternate resources after nightfall. The palace even followed the law - unless a special event was taking place.

Jerry learned from a cook to one of the upper class households that there was a ball tomorrow at the palace in honor of the queen – Connie. The people of Hampton believed that Connie was suffering from depression after losing her child and now just coming out of it, that's why she hadn't been seen.

It was an hour before nightfall and Daryl was restless. They could see the palace from their house. It drove him crazy that Connie was so close yet so far. He started pacing in the den, trying to think of a plan to sneak in the palace tonight. After a few minutes, Jerry, Lydia and Aaron walked in.

"Hey, D," Jerry said. "Are you okay?"

Daryl grunted.

"Just be patient for a little longer," Aaron said. "We'll get in tomorrow night."

Daryl stopped pacing "Yeah, how?" he asked.

"The Captain of the Palace Guard came by a few minutes ago," Lydia began. "He dropped this off." She walked to Daryl and handed him an envelope.

The gold waxed seal had been broken, leaving the letter open. He pulled out the card. The writing was bold, black cursive.

To his Majesty King Ezekiel: His Royal Highness invites you and your guests to a celebration to honor his royal consort, Her Highness, Queen Constance tomorrow night at eight o'clock.


Lydia and Magna, in disguise, went to the market first thing the next morning to get clothing for the ball. Negan, Jerry, and Ezekiel had formal wear but Aaron, Daryl, and Alden didn't. Magna was going to stay behind with the rest.

Daryl wore a black turtleneck with a black leather vest and matching pants. He put on the new black cloak the girls got him so he could hide his crossbow underneath. Aaron wore a beige turtle neck with a black cloak like Daryl's. Their clothes didn't have to be as fancy because they were going as servants. Alden was going as Ezekiel's personal guard. He was dressed in kingdom solider attire. Negan was strutting around in a tux. Lydia picked him up a cane with a big silver ball on the top which he loved. Jerry, being Ezekiel's footman, wore a navy blue uniform. Lydia was going as Negan's assistant. She wore a pink dress so long that she had to pick it up as she walked to the carriage so the bottom wouldn't get dirty.

They couldn't take weapons inside the palace – no exceptions. Daryl hoped they didn't search them when they got to the doors. He wore the big hood low on his head. Alden carried a wood chest with black hinges filled with offerings for D'artagnan.

Jerry handed the member of the palace guard the invitation.

The guard looked up and gave Jerry a small smile. "We've been expecting King Ezekiel and his lordship, Negan. His Royal Highness wishes to bring you in last as honored guests. Please follow me to the drawing room. It will only be a short wait."

When they got to the drawing room, the guard had said that servants of palace guests retire to the kitchens for food and the servants' quarters for rest until they are needed. King Ezekiel made a show of stating that Jerry, Lydia, and Alden needed to stay because they were him and Negan's personal security and Lydia, being an assistant more than a servant because she was from a good family.

The guard did not argue. He directed Aaron and Daryl to the servants' hallway and told them how to get to the kitchen and quarters.

They were alone. Aaron pulled the hood of his cape over his head. This was an opportune time to look around, try to find Connie and Carol – or even Luke and Kelly.

Instead of making the left turn to the kitchen, they made a right turn. There was a flight of wood stairs. They slowly ascended them, listening for anyone who might be coming. Judging on the amount of steps they had to climb, they were approaching the second floor.

Daryl leaned his head against the door to see if he could hear anyone on the other side of it. Nothing. He cracked the door open slowly. It was still quiet. Widening the door, Daryl poked his head between the crack. He saw an empty hallway with red runner carpet, art hanging on beige walls along with purple flags with the royal seal on them. A few chairs and slim tables were against the wall in various places. "Come on," he hissed.

They stepped into the hallway, Aaron closed the door. They quickly looked around and listened for any signs of life. If they couldn't find anything there, they would move on.

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