Chapter 28

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Connie, Carol, and Kelly were escorted by palace guards to the royal seating in the stands. Connie fought the urge to wipe her mouth of D'artagnan's forceful kiss. Damn him. He did it to piss Daryl off and to show him who she was really with. Connie was physically in D'artagnan's corner, but her heart was with Daryl and always would be.

The men sized each other up as Wardlow finished going over the rules. One of the maids had said that the people had gathered below the balcony of the grand hall. The people had just as much invested in this fight as she did. If D'artagnan dies, then they'd be free of his tyranny.

Wardlow announced for the battle to begin and jogged off the floor.

The men moved, rounding around the room, getting closer to each other. Then, D'artagnan threw a kick, which Daryl ducked. Daryl threw a punch that D'artagnan dodged. D'artagnan lunged at Daryl, but Daryl jumped out of the way. D'artagnan used his legs and kicked up to stand again.

Connie could barely breathe. Nothing was connecting. She wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. Then, Daryl raced at D'artagnan and threw a punch, which he nailed. D'artagnan threw a punch which made Daryl stubble backward. Recovering quickly, he tackled D'artagnan to the hardwood floor. Daryl started pummeling him with punches. But, D'artagnan was able to kick Daryl between the legs during the assault.

Connie's hands flew to her mouth as Daryl grabbed his groin and crumpled to the floor. D'artagnan started to pull himself up – slowly. Then, he kicked Daryl in the face.


D'artagnan grabbed Daryl's hair and pulled his face up so he could look at him. Before, D'artagnan could do anything, Daryl hit him in the stomach, making the king lunge forward. Then, Daryl nailed him with a right cross making D'artagnan stumble back.

Daryl slowly got to his feet as D'artagnan struggled to recover from the last hit. D'artagnan's lip was split. Daryl's nose was bleeding. Both men swayed from side to side as they looked at each other.


"You know, we can keep beating each other to a bloody pulp or we can really get serious," D'artagnan said.

"What you have in mind?" Daryl asked, wondering what the asshole was up to.

"Choose your weapon, archer," he said as he gestured to the walls.

Daryl glanced around. The gold spears got his attention. Since he had luck with a spear before, he decided to go with it again. Without taking his eyes off his opponent he went for the spears. Daryl grabbed both of them. As he strolled back, he tossed one D'artagnan's way.

D'artagnan smirked. "I should have known you go for something pointy and long. Like an arrow, yes?"

"Asshole," Daryl grumbled.

D'artagnan chuckled as he twirled the spear in his hands. Then, he darted the end of the spear aggressively at Daryl. He blocked the strike with his own spear.

They quickly blocked each other shots. The ringing of metal on metal clunked in the air. Daryl had to be careful here, his opponent was a quick SOB. At that moment, D'artagnan whizzed his stick at Daryl's ankle, making him drop to the floor.

Daryl rolled out of the way as the spear was coming down, aimed at his juggler. He scrambled to his feet in time to block an overhead swing from D'artagnan. Then, he swung the spear at Daryl's abdomen, slicing his black buttoned shirt.

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