Chapter 29

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Six months later . . .

Daryl sat in the office in the palace with his advisors, Carlson, Wardlow, Magna, Carol, Captain Mills, and Luke. He had asked Aaron to be an advisor, but Aaron had no intentions of living in Hampton permanently. He had returned to Alexandria along with Jerry, Ezekiel, Alden, Neil, Jack, Lance, Woody, and Frank in late March, promising to return in early September with his dog, RJ, and Judith.

Daryl had sent three hundred soliders, a doctor, a dentist, an archetiect, and five supply wagons with them. A messenger had returned in April stating that they had a safe journey and all was well in Alexandria. The soldiers were helping with rebuilding Hilltop and making improvements to Alexandria. They had also received good news about Eugene and Yumiko. They had returned with a few people from a community called The Commonwealth, located in Ohio.

Daryl had decided to ride the king thing out since Connie was pregnant. Hampton had five doctors, eight nurses, and a midwife. One of the first things he did as the new leader was let the people wear whatever clothes they wanted. If they wanted to wear the old shit, fine, but they didn't have to.

The second thing Daryl did was free the concubines. That didn't go as he thought it would. Ten of them were happy to go and return to their families. The rest had begged him not to get rid of them because they had nothing to return to. That's when Negan stepped forward and stated he wanted them if they wanted him. Daryl had flat out said no, but the ladies had chimed in saying they were happy to go with him. Negan wanted to stay in Hampton, to Daryl's chagrin. Yet, Negan really couldn't start over in Alexandria. He'd never live down what he did as far as the Alexandrians and Hilltoppers were concerned. Daryl knew this, but he didn't want to look at Negan's face every day either. So, he put Negan and the girls in a mansion where they could live and fuck all the live long day.

The third thing he did was release the prisoners that were in the dungeon. Their offences were minor so Daryl pardoned them.

The fourth thing Daryl did was decrease the vendor tax by half and increased the people's rations by thirty percent. There was more than enough food to go around and send to Virginia on a periodic bases.

The fifth thing was taking down D'artagnan's flag from the castle and the town. Captain Mills tried to encourage him to put his own symbol up, but Daryl had refused. Then, Lydia changed his mind by designing a red flag with a crossbow etched onto it. Daryl had liked it, but he didn't want to put it all over town. Lydia looked so disappointed and rejected that Daryl gave in.

Being king wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. However, he did tire of the endless paperwork, being cooped up in the palace most days, and the staff who insisted on calling him royal highness. Daryl put his pants on one leg at a time like everyone else around there.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Daryl shouted.

Kelly and Lydia came into the room grinning from ear to ear.

"Hey, what's up?" Daryl greeted.

"What is up is Connie has gone into labor," Lydia proudly stated.

Everyone in the room smiled.

"What?" Daryl said, shooting out of his seat. "I thought the doctor said she wouldn't be due for another two weeks."

Mills laughed. "Welcome to fatherhood."

Daryl whirled around the massive desk so fast he hit his leg. "Owe."

"Don't maim yourself before your child arrives," Carol joked.

"Is she in her room? Has the doctor been called? What do we do?" Daryl asked rapidly.

"Yes, the doctor and midwife have been called," Lydia confirmed.

"And we just need to make Connie comfortable," Kelly signed.

"Right," Daryl said and started to leave to be with Connie. The problem was he forgot to open the door, running right into it.

Everyone laughed.

Four hours of Daryl holding Connie's hand, wiping her brow, and encouraging her, their son was finally born.

Daryl watched the midwife give their new baby to Connie. She cradled the boy who was wrapped in sky blue swaddle. He sat down on the edge of the bed and kissed Connie on the forehead. The baby breathed deeply, resting with his eyes closed.

Connie raised one hand. "He's beautiful. Thank you."

"For what?" he signed back.

"For this . . . for him," she signed as her eyes got teary.

Daryl scoffed with a smile. "Technically, you did all the work."

"What should we name him?"

Daryl thought for a moment. Hmm . . . Merle, Rick, Dale . . . hmm. Then, his mind wandered to Carl. He was a good kid. Then, he thought of the supposed Karl Brown in the Clavicles. It was a good strong name. "Carl," Daryl spelled out with his hands. "Carl Grimes Dixon."

Connie smiled. "I like it. Let's call him that."

"Carl it is." Daryl gazed upon his son and then turned to her. "I love you, Connie."

She grinned. "And I love you."

There was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it, your highness," the midwife said. She opened the bedroom door to Carol, Kelly, Lydia, Luke, and Magna.

"The doctor said it was okay to come on up," Carol stated.

"It is. Come in," Daryl said.

"We've come to meet the new prince," Luke said as he carried a small gift box.

"Meet my son, Carl," Daryl said proudly.

"Your son?" Connie signed with a smile.

Daryl smirked. "Our son, I mean."

Carol peaked over to look at the baby. "I bet he has four arms just like his dad."

"I want to hold my new nephew, please," Kelly signed.

Connie smiled as she carefully transferred Carl to Kelly.

Daryl couldn't remember seeing Kelly smile so much.

Lydia looked over Kelly's shoulder at Carl. "He's beautiful. Makes me want a baby."

"What?" Daryl inquired with furrow brows.

"You're still a little young for that, don't you think?" Carol asked.

"I'm not saying I want one tomorrow," Lydia explained. "But, one day."

Daryl's shoulders relaxed.

The midwife left the door open, so Negan just walked in. "Hey. Came to see the new bundle of joy. Is it a boy or a girl?"

"A boy," Magna answered.

"Hoooly shit," Negan stretched out. "Another Daryl Dixon. Let whatever snakes, possums, squirrels, and raccoons left in the world beware."

Daryl rolled his eyes as everyone chuckled.

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