Chapter 17

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Carol and Daryl had caught up with Aaron. They had swopped information. Carol told Daryl how to get to the ballroom from where they were. Carol and Aaron had gone the opposite direction to watch what was going on in the ballroom from a location where no one would see them.

Daryl's original plan was to go through the side door that Carol told him about. He was still on the second floor as he passed the balconies. He couldn't believe he hadn't run into any guards on the way. Daryl figured something was going on in the ballroom. Hearing the music down below, he sneaked onto one of the balconies. Heated jealousy engulfed Daryl's ego as he watched the asshole of the year glide Connie across the floor.

When the dance was over they were walking to two thrones hand in hand. "Screw it." Daryl yanked his hood down, pulled out his crossbow and aimed as D'artagnan kissed Connie's hand. Then, it looked like he was going to kiss her. He sent the arrow above the asshole's head to get his attention.

Along with D'artagnan's attention, he got the eyes of everyone in the room. People gasped and mumbled in shock and awe.

Daryl said the words that Magna told him. "I challenge the rule of D'artagnan under the decree of Trials of Glory."

He never heard so many women shriek and men mumble at the same time in his life. Connie's eyes closed like she couldn't believe what he said.

D'artagnan stared at him with a blank face. Then, out of nowhere, he laughed his head off, leaning his head back in the process. Everyone in the room seemed confused and surprised by the king's reaction.

Cocky bastard.

Once D'artagnan's laughter subsided, he spoke. "Well, looks like we have a different form of entertainment this evening. Unless you're not prepared to go through the first trial tonight, archer," he goaded.

"I am prepared," Daryl said with confidence.

"Very good," D'artagnan said with a shit eating grin. "Captain Mills, open the arena and get a couple of guards to escort the challenger there. Make sure he has his choice of any weapons he needs to fight The Raven. Let it begin in one hour."


Daryl thought he had gotten thrown back in medieval times when he heard a town crier riding a horse in the streets yelling that someone had challenged the king and the first trial would start in forty minutes.

Captain Mills, Daryl, and five guards had ridden in a horse drawn carriage away from the palace and everywhere else. The arena was an actual arena but smaller than what they had in their former world.

They had escorted Daryl to a room that appeared to be underground. The cement walls made it cooler in there then it was outside.

Everyone was quiet when the captain unlocked and opened a door. They went inside. It was a weapons room; guns, knives, swords, axes, you name it, they had it. Then, the captain broke the silence. "You are allowed to choose whatever and however many weapons you think you need."

"All right," Daryl mumbled as he looked around. He started to stroll around the room.

"Son, it's not too late," Captain Mills said. "People haven't started arriving yet. You can still back out of this. Me and my men will take you somewhere safe and then get you out the gates by morning."

"Thanks, but I'm not backing down," Daryl said nonchalantly as he continued to look around.

The captain groaned. "All right. Choose your weapons."

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