Chapter 7

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Daryl felt something next to his head. He shifted it. Then, he felt wetness lapping his cheek. He opened his eyes to Dog licking him like he was a bowl of water.

"Ugh," Daryl groaned hoarsely and pushed Dog's head away. "I'm up." He wiped one of his eyes and lazily looked around. Connie had gone back to her tent. He was disappointed that she wasn't there, waking up with him. But, he couldn't complain since he had fallen asleep with her in his arms.

As Daryl stretched his body on the sheet, he noticed Dog sniffing a piece of paper that was on top of his pants. "Hey, boy."

Dog looked up at him.

"What's that? Bring it here?" Daryl ordered as he relaxed on the ground.

Dog carefully picked up the paper with his teeth and brought it to Daryl. Then, he let go when Daryl reached for it.

"Good boy," he said and looked at the outside of the folded paper. It had his name on it. He grinned when he realized it was Connie's hand writing. Maybe she wanted him to meet her at a private location at the worksite. Daryl opened the letter to read it.

My dearest Daryl,

Know that last night was the most beautiful night I have ever experienced since the world fell. I gave myself to you last night because I love you and that will always be true no matter what. But, I have to leave the communities.

Daryl's eyebrows creased at the last sentence. He sat up, bracing himself on his elbow, and continued to reading.

There's so much to explain, but I don't have the time. But, what I can tell you is that there is a very powerful person out there that has found me. There's no way around it. If I don't go with him, then he will kill everyone from Hilltop and Alexandria. He has the men and resources to do it. The only way to deter him from doing this is for me to go with him.

Daryl's eyes widened at the revelation. "Nah," he mumbled as his heart dropped to the pit of his stomach. He couldn't believe what he was reading.

Oh, Daryl, please know that I will miss you more than I have missed anyone in my life. I'll miss and love you until the day I die, but it must be this way. Thank you for watching out for my friends and Kelly while I was missing. Thank you for sharing your warmth and attention with me. And thank you for sharing your love with me even though it was only for one night. Please cherish our night together as I will.

Love always,


"No," Daryl roared as he whipped the sheet off his body and hurried to get dressed. He quickly gathered his supplies and emerged from the tent with a purpose.

Dog followed him out.

Daryl strode closer to the camp as he clutched Connie's letter in his hand. "Carol!" he yelled out, making several early risers turn to look at him.

"Carol!" he shouted again as he headed for her tent.

"She's not here!" Tara yelled as she and Maggie jogged to him. They both had worry on their faces.

"Where is she?" Daryl asked.

"Not sure," Maggie answered. "When she didn't report to the huddle meeting, Tara and I went to her tent."

"We thought she over slept," Tara explained. "Instead of finding her, we found this." She held up a small piece of paper. "And her stuff gone." She handed Daryl the paper.

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