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Deku Pov:

past 🕑

I woke up to the sound of my All Might alarm going "I AM HERE." I took a shower, put on my middle school uniform, ate breakfast, and headed out.

I knocked on my neighbor's door three times before Kaachan opened it, greeting me and saying goodbye to his parents.

"You're here early," he said with a pout. "Was I supposed to come later?" He shook his head no, and we continued to walk towards our school.

It was our last year here, and I was excited to leave. Although I don't have a quirk, I still have high hopes of becoming a hero with Kaachan. He doesn't say much when I bring it up, but I don't think he believes I can make it. It hurts a little to see his concerned face, but I understand.

Suddenly, I felt a slap on the back. "Stop daydreaming, Nerd, we are here."

time skip to graduation day cause I'm lazy 🕑

We were finally graduating... and with that came the doctor's visit I was dreading. The one that shows if you are an omega, alpha, or beta. I asked my doctor when I went to see what my quirk was, why they didn't just do it when I was small, and they said that it was to keep omegas from being impregnated at a young age. It made sense, but I still wanted to know right away to just get it over with.

After the graduation party, everyone collectively gathered at their local doctor's to determine their rank. Kaachan, who lives near me and also goes to the same doctor's office, followed me. "What do you think your rank will be?" He looked down at me (I'm extremely short), "what do you think!? An alpha of course." "Haha, yeah, of course." I laughed nervously, not knowing what to say to break the awkward silence. "What do you think you will be?" I looked up at the tall blonde and shook my head. "I'm not sure." I could feel him looking at me, but I kept my head towards the ground as he hummed.

We finally made it to the entrance of the doctor's office, and Kaachan walked in full of confidence, while I awkwardly shuffled in behind him. The lady at the front desk noticed us and waved us over. "You boys here for a ranking check-up?" "Yes, ma'am." She wrote down our names and gave us our regular doctor. Kaachan and I went our separate ways through the medicine-smelling, white halls.

"You can sit right here on the bed." I hopped up on the bed and in the process ripped the paper that was neatly laid out. "Sorry." "Oh don't worry, son, it is no big deal. We dispose of them after every patient." "Right." He took some blood and a urine sample with him after he left the room and after a few minutes came back with another doctor and a piece of paper along with some medication in hand. What the hell... "Izuku, right?" The new doctor raised his head and looked at me. "Yes?" "The results have come back, and you are an omega." My eyes widened, and my mouth felt dry. Really? I couldn't have at least been a beta... wait, but guys aren't omegas...

"I know you may be confused, considering you are male, which is normal. Society teaches people that there aren't male omegas, but there are a fair portion of them. "Why don't they teach us that then!?" The doctor sighed. "They are highly protected and are rare. Scientists say it is a mutation in alpha genes that has occurred in the last few years, but we are unable to fully come out and say that due to the belief that alpha genes are perfect." I looked down at my feet that were dangling off the bed. "Now that you are aware there will be some changes to your body as you get older. Some of these may have already happened. Your body will become more feminine: short and petite, easily gained body fat, sweet pheromones, sensitive to male pheromones, heat, and desire to nest." I sat and listened as I took it all in. "We have medication to suppress your heats. Male omega heat is different from a female's. You won't be as sex-crazed, but you will release an uncontrollable amount of pheromones which could even affect yourself causing nausea or even for you to black out. The meds should help with those issues." He handed them to me. "Do you have any questions? I know this is a lot to take in at once." "No." "Ok, if you need anything else just set up an appointment. Also, your medications will be refilled every month, so stop by a pharmacist every month to get new ones." I nodded, and I walked out of the office. I sat on a bench outside of the building and waited for Kaachan.

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