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Bakugo's POV:

After this long week of patrols and stopping some minor villain attacks, I was finally done and back home. Well, back at school. It was so early in the morning that the sun wasn't even out yet, and the birds were still asleep. I dragged my feet through the hallways until I finally got to my dorm room. I opened it and got hit with an overwhelming amount of omega pheromones. Being tired didn't help the situation, so I stumbled a bit before I reached the bed. I threw my bags to the side, then took off all of my clothes besides my underwear and climbed into bed. I had forgotten Deku went into heat, so the candy-like smell that filled the room was surprising.

I was fast asleep when Deku scooted over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked over at the time and it said 8 AM. It was still early, so I cuddled the little greenette until we were both able to get up.

I could hear snickering coming from nearby and then a flash went off. It was those two fucking dumbasses trying to get a picture of us snuggling! I got up quickly, which accidentally woke Deku up, and then I ran after Pikachu first. I caught up to him, but he didn't have the phone. "Sero, if you have that phone you are going to DIE!" They both snickered and then ran off. I found Sero in a dark hallway and snatched the phone from him, and in the process I slightly used my quirk to explode his arm. I went to the camera and found it. Turns out there was more than one.

They were a bit....cute. so I sent them to myself and then deleted the message from Sero's phone so he wouldn't see it. I then deleted the photos from the camera roll. I threw the phone back at Sero who had already gotten up. "Damn man, chill out." "You guys are the one who decided to mess with me." Kami came from around the corner "dude you were so mad about it you even woke up your sleeping lover!" He made little kissing faces at me and I faked him out which made him jolt a bit. We began walking back "are you really just wearing underwear..." I looked down to just now realize how.....exposed I was. I tried to play it off "and? It gets too hot when I sleep thanks to quirk." They shrugged it off.

We made it back to the room where the door was left open and Deku stood by the frame. He held my phone up. "Funny how you sent those two pictures they just took to yourself." I blushed a bit out of embarrassment. Everyone, but me began to burst out laughing "dude if you wanted them you could've just had us send it to you!" "Alright Alright everyone shut up you dumbasses!" I shoved Sero and Kami away from our dorm room and they began to walk away. They gave a wave goodbye and went back to whatever they were doing beforehand.

I walked into the room closing the door behind me "you gotta stop exposing me like that!" "Well maybe you should start first with not exposing yourself." He looked down at my bottom half and ran his finger along the lining of my underwear. He looked up at me and gave me a devilish smile and said "Its been awhile......" I gave him a smirk back "you've been missing it or something?" We leaned into each other planting passionate kisses on one another. Without letting go Deku wrapped his legs around my waist and his arms on the back of my head. He pushed my head further into the kiss, turning me on more by the second. I walked over to the bed with the small greenette strapped to my waist and laid him down with me on top. We began to strip down to nothing. Without saying anything much we rubbed against each other leaving us a moaning mess. "I'm about to come." I gave him a heads up, but he stopped me before I could "put it inside first." I reached over and grabbed the lube that was inside of my top drawer. I trailed little pecks down Deku's chest and stomach slowly getting lower and lower. I took out the lube and put a bit on his already wet ass. The surprisingly cold substance made him yell, which quickly turned into moans as I inserted my fingers one at a time. "Does it hurt?" He managed to speak through his gasps ''no." "I'm going to put it in now." He shook his head giving me the ok to do so. Slowly, but surely I began to insert my dick. "So fucking tight." I thrusted hard, making all of me go in causing Deku's mouth to open wide. "Are you alright?" He gave me another evil looking smile "keep going." I smiled back "whatever you say!" I moved slower than quicker and Deku called out my name. I did the same. He held onto my shoulders tightly as we finished together. I flopped over tk the other side of Deku tired as hell. Both of us Breathing heavily, we slowly fell asleep.

Deku's POV:

I woke up sore and tired. My ass is throbbing and my head is hurting. Kaachan had already gotten up and was out of bed. He noticed I was awake. "Morning. Are you alright?" I attempted to get up, but was only stricken with horrible back pain. He walked off to the kitchen and came back with water and an Advil. "Here, take this." I took the pill and laid my head back down, which instantly relieved some of my headache. I fell asleep again after some of the pain went away, but then woke up again fully clothed and cleaned up. Kaachan may have his bully-type ways, but he sure can be caring.

Warm and clean, I got up with my shaky legs and stumbled over to the kitchen to grab some food. I found some chips to snack on, so I took them and laid myself on the bed to watch another K-drama. After a few hours of crying and throwing fits at the TV, Kaachan came back from training. "What are you doing?" He came over to see spilt snacks and two throw pillows on the ground. "Expressing my emotions?" He rolled his eyes and started to clean up. I joined out of guilt because I was the one who created this mess. Afterward, we snuggled up once again together, enjoying each other's company, and watched the rest of the series together.


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