Family Meeting

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Bakugo POV:

I personally don't like the idea of housing villains considering I'm a pro hero. If the public ever found out, it would be horrible, but I don't want to hide things from our daughter, so I agreed. For how close the four are, there has to be some good in them for Deku to care so much. He even went as far as stapling Dabi's nasty scars back together. Yes, Deku is an overall caring person, but I would never expect him to be so patient and understanding of people with criminal records.

As Izumi and I drove back home, I decided to give her a small heads up. "Izumi, papa has some friends at home he wants you to meet. He has known them for a very long time and recently reunited. He wanted you to meet each other because they have been in each other's lives for years now." She nodded. "Have they known papa as long as you have known papa?" "No, not that long, but they are still very close to each other. I'm just asking you to be understanding of all of them as your papa was for them. Can you do that?" She smiled. "Of course!"

As we entered the house, I could see her face drop. I hope she doesn't act as I did when I first heard that Deku was so friendly with villains. I was younger and angry, but I have learned that he will come to me when he needs to, so I'm sure they aren't going to do anything stupid. Especially if they care, they wouldn't dare think about harming his family. Izumi crossed her little arms. "Why are there villains in the house?"

Deku POV:

I got up from the couch where Toga and Dabi were lying and kneeled down to my daughter. "These are some of my old friends. I wanted to have you guys meet because they are going to be staying here for a while." I smiled warmly at her, but she seemed tense. "I know you're probably questioning how I know villains personally and why I would even let them into a house with the #1 hero, correct?" Izumi whispered under her breath, "Which." I laughed a little. "Me and Dada are willing to answer any of your questions. We never want to hide anything from you, so when I got a call we decided to include you. You live here as well, so you also get to speak about how you feel." She nodded. "Can we sit down?" I led her over to where everyone was already sitting. She sat down in a singular person chair. "How do you know them?" I got adjusted in my seat. "You know your grandfather is All for One, but I never told you the full story of what happened between me and him..." I went into an explanation of how my father killed my mom out of rage at how I was behaving. She listened diligently as I told her that I was forced into the League in order to keep Kacchan safe. "We hadn't seen each other in years until there was an attack on UA. Father put me in charge of the mission, so I had to get it done. I ended up running into your father again, and that's what reignited my hope of getting out of that place. That's where these three come in. They are the ones who got me to escape and start my own life. They took all the pain from my life and saved me. They may be villains, but they will always be my heroes." I saw the three smile for a second at my words. Izumi looked at them and said, "Thank you." Shocked, Shiggy spoke up, "For what? We haven't done anything." "If it wasn't for you, papa would have never been happy and I never would have happened." Toga's smile was so bright and wide everyone could see it. There was no point in hiding it. "How cute! Well, thank you Izumi for being understanding!" Any type of recognition gives Izumi a big head just like Kacchan, so these words made her gleam. We talked a bit more, explaining and giving her different perspectives of the story. She analyzed and thought about it. Even for her age, she is very good at connecting dots and coming to conclusions. I first saw this when we would watch shows together and she would predict the ending. She was always right. "Why are you guys bandaged up?" This question made the tension thick. I know the three don't like talking about certain things much, especially when it comes to 'health'. Surprisingly, they broke the silence and answered her. Dabi was first. "My quirk isn't suited for my body, so when I was younger, I severely burned my skin. I can't really feel it now, but in order to keep it all together, I need a few little staples." "Like when people get surgery?" He smiled. "Yeah, like when people get surgery." Shiggy didn't say much other than how his quirk works, and Toga simply stated she had gotten into a fight with one of her cellmates before she left. "Did you guys just get out of jail?" Her voice softened. Everyone could tell she is nervous. "Yes, we did. We don't know why they did because we were supposed to have life in prison, but I'm glad to be out. I hope you can accept us!" Toga is pretty good at talking to children. She is sincere and kind-hearted. Izumi gave her a confident "Yes, I can do that!"

The rest of the night went on like usual. Izumi warmed up to Toga quickly and nuzzled in with her on the couch. She has never had a mother figure in her life, so I guess things like this are good for her. Sure, I could be considered the mother figure, but it is always different coming from an actual woman. There is just a special connection. Izumi already started calling the two Uncle and Toga her sister. It was sweet to see how bad her first reaction to them was.

Since everyone had already eaten, we collectively all went to bed. Kacchan put Izumi to sleep, and I got Shiggy, Toga, and Dabi situated in the guest bedroom. "There is one bed big enough for two and a futon in the closet. There are some extra sheets in there as well. I'll let you guys get situated." After helping them put sheets on beds, I waved goodnight and went to my bedroom to be greeted by my sleeping husband. I cuddled into his back and fell asleep almost immediately.


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