Past memories

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Bakugo POV:

It was morning already. Yesterday went by quickly, but it was still a lot of fun seeing everyone hang out. Deku was squished up against my chest. His soft breathing lulled me back to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later to hear Izumi talking to someone on the house phone. We haven't gotten her a phone yet because she is literally 10, but we plan on giving her one next year. So, for now, she communicates with friends on the house phone. She sounded excited talking to whoever it was. Her closest friends are Todoroki's boy Hayno, Mina's daughter Hime, and Denki and Shinsou's son, Shinki. I'm not a huge fan of the boys, but Deku won't let me interfere. He says it's good for her to 'have different friends.'

Getting closer to where she was, I could hear the conversation. She was talking with all three of her friends. "Hey, do you guys want to hang out today and show off our new presents?" Izumi's little face lit up, "Yes, that would be so much fun! But we should invite Sakura as well, she is still part of our friend group." They all sighed, "I really don't want to hang with her, she seems pushy." Izumi had a small pout plastered on her face, "She is not pushy, she is really nice once you get to know her." "Yeah, yeah, Izu." She stomped her foot out of frustration, "Look, if we can hang out today, let's invite her. I'll show you how kind she really is!" I could feel the eye-rolling through the phone, even at the distance I was at. "Alright." They all said goodbye, and she hung up the phone. "Dada, I know you are there." I came out slowly, "Was I that obvious?" She nodded, "I thought you did this for a living." I laughed and attempted to pick her up, "You sure have gotten heavy!" Izumi gasped dramatically, "Are you calling me fat!?" "No way, my princess. I would never insult royalty." I bowed but laughed a bit as I did so. She cracked a smile as well, breaking character.

I was never too good with kids. I always either made them cry or made them shit themselves, but with Izumi, it is different. She never cried with me or ran away when I raised my voice. She was always so patient. Me and her have a close father-daughter relationship, and I am glad for it. Me and my dad were never really close, but we have gotten to know each other better since Izumi was born. She really is the savior of this family. Her and Deku.

"So, about that little date you and your friends are trying to set up today...?" Her eyes gleamed, "Can we...!? Oh, um... can me and my friends hang out today... maybe at our house since their families are busy." As she talked, her voice got quieter. Deku does the same thing when he gets nervous or gets distracted by his own thoughts. Sometimes he would even stare into space and mumble about something completely irrelevant to the topic. I found it a little cute, but yet I would tell him it was annoying. Damn, was I that much of a dick? "Dada?" I guess everyone in this family started picking up on each other's bad habits. "Yeah, they can come. I'll just have to ask Deku about it." Izumi gave me an excited nod and made herself a PB&J sandwich. She then wandered off into the hallway and closed her door.

After having some coffee, I made a cup for Deku and went to the room to wake him. I found him curled up with the sheets on my side of the bed. The room was full of his strong pheromones, scented like cinnamon and sugar. It took me by surprise because I hadn't seen his strong pheromones in a long time, at least not to this degree. The last time was most likely after our wedding. I'm not sure if that is even healthy, but he has seemed fine. I set the coffee down on the nightstand and brushed my fingers through his soft hair to bring it out of his eyes and forehead. After grabbing a clip from the nightstand drawer, I pinned it up for him. Before I could move my hand, Deku grabbed on. I tried to break loose, but he wouldn't let me. He then took his other hand and wrapped it around my forearm, holding on tight. "Deku..?" I attempted to calm him down a bit by releasing some calming pheromones, but I couldn't mask his thick-scented layer that was covering the whole room. His eyes fluttered open, "Just lay with me... please." He released my arm, and I scooted him over a bit. I lay next to him, cradling his small body in my arms. His breathing was staggered, but he was calmer. I could see what pink cheeks meant that one time Deku went out of control... I guess he does really trust me.

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