Let's Party!

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Bakugo POV:

I wiggled myself out of Deku's arms and walked into Izumi's room. It was around 9 in the morning, so I wanted to get her ready early for the party today. It takes forever to get her up and ready, so we have to plan hours ahead. I gently shook her. "Hey." She didn't respond. I did it again, but this time I caught her little smile. "HEY you little brat! I saw your smile, get up and I'll make you some pancakes." She kept her eyes closed. "Make that with some bacon and I'll get up." I sighed. "Alright, gremlin, it's a deal. Now get up!" I picked her up and placed her on her feet. "Open those eyes. We made a deal; you have to keep your end of the deal up! You have to keep your word!" She sighed dramatically. "Fineee!" We walked down the hall and looked behind ourselves at the same time towards my bedroom door. "Wanna wake papa up?" She asked devilishly. I smirked and nodded my head in agreement.

We opened the door and tiptoed over to the sleeping greenette. I picked up Izumi and yelled, "Ready for liftoff!" This woke up Deku, but before he had time to react, I let go of Izumi right onto Deku. Deku, who goes through this almost every weekend, quickly moved to the side. "Damn it!" Deku gasped. "Who taught you those words!?" She pointed at me and I stuck my tongue out at her. Deku came over and smacked me on the back of my head. "Stop being so childish! You two are the same!" We all laughed and then went to eat breakfast.

By the time I had all eaten, showered, and gotten dressed, it was time to go over to the Iida's household for the party. Driving there was a quick trip, but who would've known such big houses were so close to our little one-story house. They were huge, almost mansion-like. I knew icy hot had some money, but four eyes as well? We parked in one of the many spaces of their driveway and walked ourselves over to the door. We were greeted by a warm scent and heat from inside the house. It is a colder day and the wind has picked up, so most people have begun using their heaters more often. Todoroki was standing in the doorway with a small smile and kind eyes. That's something I had never seen before. He was always so sad... I guess things have changed for the better. Deku wasn't taken aback at all and leaped into the tall man's arms and gave him a hug. "It has been so long, Todoroki-kun! The last time I saw you was at your wedding years ago!" He hugged him back. "It has been too long." He looked over at me, smiled, and waved. "Hello!" I did the same back. Izumi tugged at his pants and had a pout on her face. "Who are you!?" He looked down and needed to be at eye level with her. "I'm an old friend of your parents." She side-eyed him and kindly whispered to me. "I don't know if I trust him." Deku sheathed between his teeth. "Izumi, be nice." Her entire attitude changed to "yes." Half and half led us inside to the living area and kitchen. Iida was sitting at the bar scrolling through his phone and their little boy, Hayno, was watching TV. The entire area was decorated with balloons, colorful confetti, and letters. It was a nice little setup for a now 6-year-old's birthday.

Slowly, but surely, more and more people came over to the party. A few kids I didn't recognize were absolutely wide-eyed when they saw everyone. I am assuming they are others from the school who didn't really know who their parents were. A few came up to me asking for an autograph and a picture. They did the same to everyone else as well. I could hear some of their conversations. "Izumi, why didn't you tell us your dad is the #1 hero!?" She laughed nervously as a sea of small children asked the same question. The kids of the other pros managed to pry her away from them and back over to everyone else. Hours passed of games and playtime until it was time to cut the cake. Hayno excitedly ran over to everyone to get seated around him. We turned off the lights and sang to him. Todoroki and Iida took pictures of everyone as a group, but then it was time for the presents. With how many kids there are, Hayno is going to get tons of presents. It took about 30 minutes for him to open and say thank you to everyone.

The day was winding down and Deku was getting sleepy. We were sitting on one of the many couches in the corner with drinks in hand and empty plates of food. Deku leaned his head on my shoulder and passed out almost immediately. We were there for a little bit longer until everyone collectively started to leave. Izumi and Hayno came up to us. She pulled on her dress and looked down. "Can I stay the night?" I don't think I heard her correctly. "Say again?" She asked, "Can I stay the night here?" I sighed. "I don't want to bother the Iidas. I bet they are tired and have work tomorrow." Hayno spoke up. "We already asked them and they said it was okay!" I waved down his parents. "Yes?" "I don't want to bother you two; we can take her home." Iida gave a small smile. "It is really no problem, we don't have duties tomorrow so we are free." Deku woke up and yawned. "What is happening?" "Izumi wants to stay the night here." He looked at me confused. "That should be fine as long as you two are okay with it." Todoroki and Iida nodded. The two grinned happily. "Yes!" I looked at Izumi. "Don't get into trouble. You are too much like me. I know how you are; don't do anything reckless!" "Yes, dada."

With that, Deku and I left our little girl at her first sleepover. We waved to the family and gave kisses goodbye to Izumi. "I'll drive since you are tired." Deku gave me a small nod and hopped in the passenger's seat. We drove home with quiet music in the background.


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