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Deku's POV:

Ever since the argument, Kiri has been avoiding Kaachan altogether. He smiles and waves at me, but I can tell he's still trying to cope with some things.

This week, Kaachan is going on a trip with Todoroki and his intern Endeavor. They had to go and check out an island somewhere off of Japan because it was getting threats of a villain attack. He leaves tomorrow morning, and I was excited for him. I helped him pack his bags. "Do you have all your essentials?" "Yes, I double-checked." I sat on the bag and zipped it up. Neither of us could fold clothes for shit... so squishing them was the best option. "Well, you should go to bed now since you have to get up early." He nodded and rubbed my already messy hair. "Alright, nerd, don't need you bossing me around." I laughed and plopped myself on the bed. He came in and nuzzled his head into my chest and hummed softly as we fell asleep.

Deku's POV:

*the next morning 🕑

I woke up to someone placing their rough hands on my forehead. "Morning bed head, it's time for me to go." "Who are you calling a bed head? Look at you all spiky like your personality!" He growled. "Damn nerd, always saying some shit." I laughed. "What did you say? I couldn't quite hear you." He shoved me just hard enough to move me a bit to the side of the bed. Even though he was a bit angry, he pecked my lips and then gave me a quick goodbye and headed out the door. What a stubborn man.

I went back to bed after Kaachan left and woke up at about 9 AM. I went downstairs to find cereal because even though we have a kitchen in our room, we still don't really have anything to eat besides eggs, chips, and some fruit. For such a Richie Rich school, they sure are stingy when it comes to groceries. I found the cereal and ate some silently while leaning against the counter. Suddenly, I smelled something like a mixture of pine trees and burning firewood. It was a welcoming, homey type smell that sent me into overdrive. I don't know which alpha is releasing pheromones so early in the goddamn morning, but this is not it.

My breathing began to become heavy and my vision went blurry. I could smell my own pheromones in the air now that my body decided to just go into heat today. I collapsed on the floor, breaking the ceramic bowl that I had in my hand. I heard footsteps coming closer to me. I could smell the alpha's scent getting stronger. My heart began to pump harder as scenarios began to pop into my head.

Sure, they are heroes, but that doesn't mean they are perfect human beings. I mean, look at Endeavor. He basically killed his oldest son then neglected his other children and overtrained the youngest. That's one piece of shit person if you ask me.

The pheromones smelled docile and calm, but you can't just trust alphas. Those lying, selfish, big-headed, superior complex, pieces of shit people call men. Those goddamn asshats of... I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Are you alright?" I slowly turned my snot-covered, teary-eyed face around and saw... Todoroki. I thought he went on that trip with Kaachan? (He didn't go because he got in an argument with his father) "Do you want me to get someone?" I pushed myself away from him and into the corner of the kitchen. His hand retreated. "Do you want me to call Bakugou?" I nodded my head yes. He then grabbed his phone and called him. They talked for a little before he came back and asked me, "Is there anyone here that you would be comfortable being with for this week?" The first person I thought of was Mina. "Mina." He went off and came back with the pink girl. "Hey sweetie, how are you doing?" She sat down next to me and grabbed my back. I flinched, but she then brought me closer to her. "Let's get you back to your room, okay?" I nodded and proceeded to follow her through the halls.

We made it to my room and she uncovered the bed. "Go ahead and get in, you need rest." I crawled into the welcoming bed and snuggled in. She went off, but then turned around. "Do you have a blanket or something that Bakubabe has worn quite a bit?" "Literally anything in the closet, and there is a stuffed animal in the bottom drawer of the dresser." She went and grabbed a bundle of clothes and the stuffed animal from our childhood. She placed them around me and then sat down at the end of the bed. "Do you want me to stay in this room?" "Yes."

She began to watch TV and I started nesting in the background without even noticing. Grabbing the clothes and stuffed animal, I brought them closer to my nose. His caramel and iron smell made me feel comfortable and at ease. I ended up falling asleep and Mina had also done the same. She passed out on the other side of the bed and we slept soundly. It was like a little sleepover.

I woke up the next morning exhausted and feverish. Mina had gone to her room earlier, and she said she would be back later today. So I lounged around in discomfort, watching TV and reading... some stuff. (Y'all know what he was reading 😜) I took a few naps throughout the day, but on my last nap, I woke up to Mina coming in from the door. She waved me down, almost as if to say 'go back to sleep.' I laid my heavy head back down and she came over to my bedside with treats. She gave me a Subway sandwich, some chips, and my favorite candy, a Hershey chocolate bar. "Eat this when you get hungry, okay?" I nodded yes, and she went back to chilling and watching TV at the end of the bed.

In all honesty, she is a great friend and someone I didn't think I was going to get along with, but yet here we are. She is very honest and caring, and I think that is what I like the most about her. I think we are going to be friends for a very long time.

Later on, I ate the food she had gotten me, and then I passed out again. I woke up at 3 AM. I looked around trying to see if Mina was still there, and she left a note on my nightstand:

"I went back to my room because it was getting late. I didn't want to wake you up to check on you, so I wrote a note instead. If you need anything, you have my number!"
"- Mina"

I put the note back where it was and continued to sleep. My heat hasn't been this bad since I was in the League, but ever since I was with Kaachan, it calmed down a bit.

I remembered what had just happened recently, and Todoroki's scent reminded me of Dabi's in a weird way, and I don't know why. It was almost identical, but a few things were different. Dabi just smelled like burning wood while Todoroki had the scent of pine trees. Maybe because of his quirk?

You see, I did fall asleep, but for three fucking days. I woke up three days later. I've had some bad heats, but jeez, did I have to go into fucking hibernation!?


1287 words 

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