Care to explain?

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Deku's POV:

I'm not sure what I am supposed to be thinking, but I know for sure it shouldn't be fucking murder. "How long?" Kirishima looked confused. "Huh?" "How long has he been doing this?" "Since last year. He stopped asking a month ago." "I have been here for more than a month!" "Aren't you upset that we have been doing this since last year?" I shook my head. "No, I wasn't even here last year, so I am not surprised that he had relations with someone else. We weren't technically dating at all; we had only confessed our feelings when I first left and promised to be together when I came back. But it's the fact that after I came back he continued to do this! He didn't only toy with your feelings, but also mine."

I heard the bathroom door open and Kaachan walked out. "Kiri? What are you doing here?" Kirishima gave him a bitter smile then turned to face me, almost in tears. Kaachan noticed. "Hey, why are you crying? You okay?" He came to give me a hug, but I pushed him off. "We all need to talk." After saying that, I saw Kaachan's face sink. He knows what this is about. "First question is to Katsuki. Were you and Kirishima sleeping together while I was here?" "Look, I think you're misunderstanding something, Deku—" "Did you or did you not fuck Kirishima while I was here at UA?" Kaachan turned to look at Kirishima. "Don't look at him for answers; you should be able to answer me by yourself." He looked back at me and said in a whisper, "Yes." "Excuse me, I can't hear you, speak clearly." "Yes." I took a deep breath. "Now that I know that, you two speak your sides of this story."

I always loved Kaachan and always told myself that I always would, but dear God, someone give me patience because this is going to get violent real quick. Katsuki was always an ass, but tried to play it off by being nice sometimes. I never paid much attention to it, but sometimes I would have to put him in his place. He listened when addressed by his full name just like a fucking dog, but even though I am making conclusions, I am willing to listen to his side of the story and come to a conclusion.

"Me and Kiri never dated; we were more like friends with benefits." Kirishima nodded his head in agreement. "We started sleeping with each other almost to blow off steam. At some point, I think we both developed some feelings for each other. Then you came into the picture again, and I got a little confused. The night you came back, we ended up sleeping together as well, so I got a bit mixed up in my feelings." I rubbed my temples. "So you couldn't tell who you liked, so you just kept sleeping with us, then came to a conclusion of staying with me?" He seemed hesitant. "Yes." "That's really fucked up because now you have Kirishima here who actually fell for you, only to find out you only did this because you were just a bit confused. Then he had to find out in the worst possible way that you were with me. What the hell is wrong with you?"

I could see Kirishima crying silently next to me. I looked at him and back at Kaachan to show him he messed up. Kaachan sighed. "That wasn't my intent to hurt you, neither of you. I was just confused and made several bad choices in the process of trying to sort myself out. Kiri, I never meant to lead you on like this, but I did, and I apologize for it. I really have been trying to get better, but in the process, I keep fucking things up." At the end, I heard his voice crack, almost as if he was holding in tears. I looked back at Kiri to see if he had anything to say. "Bakugo, look, I'm willing to forgive and forget, but I'm going to need time. I'm not going to do what you did to 'try and sort my feelings out'; instead, I'm going to take time for myself." I nodded. "Good, you do that. Now you can leave if you don't want to be here anymore, or you can stay." "I think I'll leave; I want to be in my own room." I nodded, and he went out the door.

I leaned back on the pillows behind me and sighed. "Have anything to tell me?" He sat on the edge near me. "I'm sorry to you as well. I admit I did all of that, and I don't feel too great about it. I hope you can give me another chance to do better." "I appreciate your attempt at becoming a decent fucking human being, and I acknowledge that, but you need to find some better ways to do that." He nodded his head with tears in his eyes. I brought him into a hug. "You know, for an alpha, you sure have some waterworks." He laughed a little. "I also want to apologize for being so aggressive earlier. Even though it was effective, it doesn't mean you deserved it." "No need to apologize to me."

We fell asleep snuggled together after crying and getting everything out. I'm glad we were able to do this, and I hope we can communicate well again because I still have some things about my father I need to get off my chest, but I am not too comfortable talking about it yet. One day, that is for sure, my mom will get justice and everyone will live a happy life. Hopefully...


979 words 

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