Settling Down

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Deku's POV:

I've been staying here in secret with Kacchan for about two months now, and so far we haven't been caught by the other students. Kacchan says they're a bit confused about why he got to change rooms to a bigger one, but Aizawa ended those conversations quickly. I like being here, and the longer I stay, the more I get to see Kacchan being himself. He's never usually as kind as he was when I first came here. Now, I hear him yelling at his friends down the hall, which is always humorous.

As I heard him having such a good time, I started to want to meet these good friends of Kacchan. I brought it up a few times with him, but he always threw the idea off by saying we should wait longer. How frustrating.

I decided to take things into my own hands and call Mr. Aizawa. He let me keep my phone, so I saved his number and Kacchan's in it for emergencies. "Hello?" He picked up the phone, even though it's the weekend and his 'sleeping time.' "It's me, Izuku." "Do you need something?" "I wanted to ask if I could meet your students. I've been wanting to, but Kacchan told me to wait, and I didn't really want to." He chuckled. "Well, you can meet them whenever; they live in the same building as you. It's just up to Bakugo to call everyone to the common area to meet you." I sighed. "I was kind of hoping you could introduce me to everyone. I feel like Kacchan would just yell at everyone instead of letting people ask questions." "Well, I can do it, no problem at all. I'll just confront Bakugou about it first, just so he knows. Is he there now?" I yawned. "He's in the bedroom. I can ask now." I asked him, and after shouting back and forth at each other, we came to a conclusion to ask the students who are comfortable meeting me. If so, they can tomorrow morning and throughout the day.

Aizawa hung up the phone and sent out emails to the entire class explaining my situation. Quite a few responded saying that they would like to meet me, and some were simply busy on that day but would love to. Only two said that they didn't want to, and that was Ojiro and Tsuyu. They said that they weren't comfortable meeting a villain like this. Understandable.

I was awoken by the smell of breakfast filling the room. I opened our bedroom door to the small compact kitchen where I found Kacchan making eggs. "Did you make some for me?" He laughed. "No, lol. You are capable of making your own eggs." I rolled my eyes but was happy to have Kacchan back to his normal self.

I made myself some food, ate, and got ready. As I was in the shower, of course having shower thoughts, I noticed that I hadn't gone into heat for a long time. Maybe being with Kacchan has calmed my pheromones, considering I've been off my medication for a while.

Once out of the shower and dressed, Kacchan led me out of the room for the first time in months. I nervously shuffled behind him, but he pushed me in front of him. I turned around. "You know this is new and all, so can we take our time getting to the common area? I don't wanna rush, you know, haha." I avoided eye contact, but he took my face in both of his hands and forced me to look at him. "Not having second thoughts, are we?" I shook my head no, but he wasn't buying it. "Look, they are very friendly and open people. I am here; they won't criminalize you. Maybe a selected few, but even then, the ones who come to be friends with you will defend you. So take a breather and let's go." I took a deep breath in and out and walked beside him, though still a bit nervous with my head down.

We reached the common room by going down a few flights of stairs because of my irrational fear of elevators. Like seriously, they are so claustrophobic, and I can't take the chance of it breaking randomly. No way in hell.

We got to the common area, and let's just say I was surprised. The room was big with a couch and TV in the middle along with a full kitchen off to the far corner. The entrance to the building from the outside was in the center on the left from where I was standing. A few students were on the couch playing video games, and others were eating. I tensed up a bit but relaxed as Kacchan released calming pheromones. The others noticed us and waved us over to the living area. We walked over and sat down. A boy with yellow hair and a girl who was completely pink were the ones hashing it out on some fighting game. "Hey, Bakubabe, is this your little friend?" They looked over at me; I had my hood up, head down, and pushed to the corner of the couch. Kacchan looked over at me and sighed. "He's a bit... how do I say this without being an ass... weird." My head popped up real quick when I heard that statement. I suddenly didn't care who was around me. "You have a lot of nerve saying some shit like that." Everyone's face had a bit of a surprised look to them. Oh... right... this is Kacchan we're talking about here. "I'm going to 'die,' aren't I?" "Not yet, because you have to meet these losers, but you better bet your ass I'm gonna blow you to the moon." Everyone in the room chuckled. "Classic Bakugou."

The pink girl was the first to come up to me. "So, what's your name?" "Midoriya Izuku." She smiled. "Cute! How long have you known this guy for?" She looked over at Kacchan. "Since we were babies. Our parents were high-school friends, and they ended up living next to each other, so me and him always hung out." The guy with yellow hair seemed a bit more relaxed now and came up to me next. "Got any dirt on the backhoe?" I leaned over to his ear. "I have plenty. Need to blackmail him, and I'll give you some tea!" I wasn't trying to be quiet, but I could see Kacchan seething next to me.

Collectively, most of the class came out, and everyone was getting along quite well. I was excited to have so many new friends. I began to learn everyone's names and quirks, which was nice because I didn't think they would trust me enough to be telling me stuff like that.

After a while, the tall half-red half-white-haired guy, who had been sitting in the kitchen, came over. "I've been listening and I connected some dots." Kacchan piped up. "You haven't connected shit!" "I've connected with them! Are you guys dating?" I blushed a bit at the question, and Kacchan facepalmed. "I thought Mr. Aizawa emailed everyone about this. Yes, we have been dating for years... we just weren't technically together." The room went silent, and a red-haired guy walked out of the room... he never came up to me. I wonder who that was.


1224 words 

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