Hello Again

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Deku's POV:

What a pitiful face I make. I washed my face in the bathroom of my best friend's house. I would go in and out of crying fits for hours, but always came back with a quick splash to the face of cold water. "Calm yourself Izuku." After being in the bathroom for who knows how long, I came out. Kaachan was waiting outside of the door for me. "Hey nerd, let's go to the police station. They need you there." I staggered and followed him out of the house. Auntie, who is misty-eyed, drives us to the police.

It has been about a week since my mother was shot and killed in front of me. I know exactly who killed her, but I won't say. If I do, I know the consequences and I can't bear another loss. I don't even know why my father killed her. I obeyed his wishes, yet here we are.

The police asked me the same questions over and over again but all I could say was "I don't know, sir." I began to feel agitated so I picked and prodded at my fingers. Kaachan noticed this. "I think that is all of the questions he can handle today. Please let us leave." The officers agreed and let us out. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth. "I know your father did this." I tensed up at Kaachan's words. "Why would he do that?" "Stop lying to my face. I know you know it was him and you won't say. Why can't you just tell the cops and have his ass arrested?" "You don't understand, it was a misunderstanding." "One that left someone dead!?" I walked a bit faster with my head down low. "Deku why are you protecting him!?" "I'm not!!" I shouted. I was frustrated, confused, and upset. I stopped in my tracks and looked at the tall blonde. "Sorry I didn't mean to yell." He embraced me into a hug, which is a rare occasion. "Don't apologize, you did nothing wrong." I abruptly let go of him and continued towards the car. Auntie was waiting for us and drove us back home.

Bakugo's POV:

The nerd has always lied to me about himself, but I always thought he would open up at some point. I guess I had my hopes up too high. The car ride was silent and so was the house. My family is usually loud and rambunctious, including my docile father, but now it is pure tension. I want to help him, but I think I will just say all of the wrong things considering I made him yell at me. Fuck, what a disaster.

*2 months later 🕑

The funeral was weeks ago and it seems like everyone moved on. Deku doesn't even talk about it, my mom began doing her regular routine, and the police stopped calling. I want justice, doesn't anyone else?

I went into my room and got hit with an overwhelming amount of pheromones, which for some reason didn't bother me much. Izuku is on my bed sleeping soundly. He had my blankets, sheets, and clothes wrapped around him. He seemed distressed. "What the hell?" I walked closer to see his flushed face and messy hair. I ruffled his hair to wake him up. His eyes fluttered open and he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bed. He nuzzled into my chest and started to breathe deeply. "Oi nerd." I rubbed his back trying to get his attention though he seemed completely delirious. He then began to sob. "Oi oi oi, what is going on?" Though this is awkward, I wrapped my arms around him. "I don't want you to go." His strained voice stuck a needle through my heart. "Why would I go anywhere?" His head tilted up to look at me. "Do you trust me?" "Yeah." He buried his face into my chest again. "Then don't be worried when I'm gone." "Wait, I thought this was about me leaving?" "No." "Then what is going on?" I began to panic. I want him to stay here. Where is he going? He hasn't been telling me the truth for a while now, but I need to know this. I can't just let him go. "Stay here." "I can't for long." He must be talking gibberish. He doesn't look like he is all there. Maybe I can get him to tell the truth about some things. "Deku, are you an omega?" Though impossible, he has all the symptoms of an omega in heat besides the whole sex now thing. "Can't say." I took that as a yes. I was a little hurt to know that he lied to me, but since his pheromones don't affect me much I can be there for him.

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