The Brutal Truth

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Bakugo's POV:

I watched as the nerd talked to all of my classmates. I love seeing him smile and have a good time. We were there the entire day, talking to different people and answering generic questions. Half and Half bastard came from his sad sack corner. "I have been watching and I have been connecting some dots." I looked over at him knowing how he is. Classic conspiracy theorist Todo. "You haven't connected shit!" He shouted back at me. "I've connected them! I wanted to ask if you guys are dating." I tensed up a bit and side-eyed Deku. He was blushing and had put his head down in embarrassment. With a sigh, I promptly answered, "I thought Mr. Aizawa emailed everyone about this, yes we have been dating for years... we just weren't technically together." The room went silent.

I saw Kirishima walk out of the room when he heard that. I felt a pang of guilt go through my chest. Why do I always gotta fuck shit up.

Despite everyone's shock, Pinky was beyond excited. "YESSSS! Bakubabe isn't a lonely single anymore! I can finally have a... well, what are your pronouns?" She looked over at the small green-haired boy who seemed a little hesitant. "Well, no one has ever asked me that before. What would make you think I identify as a different gender?" She laughed a little. "Well, it's not really that. It's more that I don't want to say he/him when you want to be called they/them. Or even she/her. You don't have to look a certain way; it's just respect for who you identify as, especially since you are an omega... I assume." Deku smiled. "I have a feeling we are going to be good friends. I really just wanted to see what you would say if I asked that type of question, and I would say you passed that test! To answer, I personally go by they/them, but I don't mind at all if you use he/him. Kaachan uses he/him for me, so whatever one doesn't bother me." She ran over and gave him a side hug. "Can't wait to get to know you better!"

Hours went by, and everyone dispersed into their rooms to relax. Me and Deku did the same, but Pinky wanted to follow along since she had nothing to do. The two dorks played games and joked around for hours while I just lay in bed and slept. I joined a few of the games, but I didn't want to intrude on their bonding time.

I was sleeping like a rock when I felt the sheets moving. I turned over to see Deku getting in bed. "Did she leave?" "Yes, a few minutes ago." I looked at the clock and realized it was already 10 pm. "Was it fun?" "Yeah, I think I'm gonna like it here. I'm glad I got to meet them all. Mina seems really nice; I think I like her." "That's nice, considering me and her are pretty close as well. We can all hang out along with the rest of the 'squad'." He smiled and nuzzled his face into my chest. He brought his arms around me in a hug, and I returned it. We fell asleep not too long after.

Deku's POV:

Life is great! Living here with my lover and his friends after so many years of hell is definitely a change, but not a bad one. Kaachan had already left for school, so I was left alone. I went down to the common room to find the red-haired boy from last week. He never talked to me, so I never got his name. I was surprised to see someone here considering it was a Friday and school was in. I assumed he was sick or something had happened.

I went over to him and tapped his shoulder. He flinched and turned around. "Oh, hello." He seemed tired. "Do you want some soup?" He looked at me confused. "Soup?" "Well, today is a school day, and I thought maybe you would be sick." He gave me a sour smile. "No, not sick, just a little down." "Do you need someone to talk to? Well, maybe not me, considering I can tell you really don't want me here, but one of your friends." He shook his head. "No, they wouldn't quite understand, and I don't think you would like the things I have to vent about." I became more and more confused as the conversation went on. "Well, okay. Maybe I can help, but not directly. Just tell me the situation without giving names or specific details." He shrugged his shoulders. "Well, alright. Me and this person were sleeping with each other, but weren't dating. They seemed like they cared about me more than... you know... friends. So I started to catch feelings, but not too long ago, I got information that they were dating someone else the entire time. So I feel bad for the person they are with because they don't know, and I despise the person who slept with me while they were with them. I am not really sure how to feel." I sat and thought for a little. What would I do in this situation? "Is the source that told you that this person was dating someone else reliable?" He shook his head yes. "Okay, then I would confront them, the person that slept with you, and I would also tell their current lover. I would hate to be them and have to find out the hard way, so it would be better to find out directly from you." He sighed. "That is the one thing I didn't want to have to do." I put my small hands on his broad shoulders. "Nobody wants to do things that make them uncomfortable, but sometimes you have to." He gave me a smile. "Names Ejiro Kirishima." "Midoriya Izuku."

Me and Kaachan were already getting ready for bed when I heard a knock at the door. I went to open it. "Kirishima?" I led him in, and we sat down on the bed. "What is wrong?" He seemed really distressed. "You know that conversation we had earlier this morning?" I nodded my head. "Yes?" "Well, it was really about... uh... how do I say this?" Kaachan was in the shower, and he is usually in there for a while. "If you don't want to say this to Kaachan, he is in the shower. Don't worry, go ahead and say what you need to say." He took a deep breath. "The person I was talking about this morning was Bakugou, and you are the lover I wanted to talk to." The fuck!??_________________________________________

1134 words 

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