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Deku POV:

Yesterday was a bit of a blur. I was so tired that I couldn't even form a proper sentence the whole day. I have to thank Kacchan; he helped a lot.

I got up out of bed and headed down the hall. I made myself some toast with coffee, then got ready. Though it is Christmas break, I still have to check up on the shop. I left Dabi in charge of it for now, but I still want to make sure everything is alright. Before I left, I gave kisses and hugs goodbye at the door. Izumi was tired, from what I heard, hanging out with her friends. Kacchan was also exhausted from taking care of me.

The ride up was short. I played a few songs through Bluetooth to wake me up a bit. Inside, the tattoo parlor was doing well for morning shifts. There were about three customers, and Dabi was manning the counter at the front. "Hey, isn't this week your break? Go back home and rest!" I chuckled a bit, "I am alright, Dabi. I just wanted to say hello to everyone." I waved and smiled. A few said good morning, and others waved back to me. I talked a bit with other clients about styles and how I ended up choosing this career. It is a surprisingly common question I get that I always answer with, "I knew I couldn't do anything else."

After about an hour, I headed out down the street to the nearby coffee shop. It is the same one where I met Kiri and Mina a few years back. It is in about the same condition other than the new seating. I ordered some egg bites (poached eggs) and went back home.

When I drove up the driveway, I saw that Toga was there along with Shiggy and Dabi, who I had just seen. "Hey, Izu-chan!" Toga shouted at me excitedly. I'm not sure what is happening here. Even Kacchan had a small grin plastered on his face, "Come in and sit down." He pointed to the sofa where Shiggy was. I sat next to him, "Mind telling me what this is all about?" Shiggy blushed, and Dabi smiled what little he could with his staples in his cheeks. Toga rolled her eyes, "Enough with the lovey-dovey eyes! Just tell them already, or I will!" I could tell the two strongly opposed that idea, so they opened their mouths, "We are getting mar-" "WE are engaged." "Really.." Their smiles faded a bit, "No, no, I mean, really!? Like, I'm all here for it. I don't know how you didn't realize you were together!" Toga laughed at me, "They were so obvious, though!" "I can see that now that I look back at it, of course!" Shiggy scratched the back of his head nervously. "Do you want to say something?" "Yeah, um, the real reason why this is such a big deal is because I was wondering if you would be my best man for when we do have a wedding..." I smiled wide and big with a few tears forming, "Of course I will! We are brothers, after all, right?"

After a few laughs and jokes, a question came into my mind, "Dabi, who is your best man?" He cringed a bit but then smiled at me, "Todoroki...." The room went silent. "Did.....did you tell him?" Dabi nodded his head yes. The tense air eased a bit. "How did he take it?" "He was mad at first. He was angry that I had left him at such a young age and never decided to come pay him a visit. It was a bit rude of me to just randomly show up and say, 'Hey, I'm Touya, you know that older brother you thought was dead! Turns out I faked it and ran from home to save my own ass. Haha, by the way, I'm getting married and want you to be my best man.'" I shrugged, "Well, he is coming though, right?" "Yeah, we talked it out. I even explained your reasoning for hiding me. He was also mad at you, but he is good now....I think. He just needs time, though." I nodded in agreement and changed the subject to something happier to change the mood.

The rest of the night was fun and full of laughs. You have to love these moments. It's too bad Dad or Mom couldn't be here. Or Aunt and Uncle. It would have been nice to have everyone get along so well, but I guess we are happy right where we are.


767 words 

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