Full House

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* 5 years later (I only did five because I wanted the daughter to be 10 for this part)

Deku POV:

Izumi is ten years old now and heading into 5th grade. She has grown so fast it is surreal. The public found out about me and Kacchan having a child, but we refused to go on talk shows and explain everything. The news came out about that and also said that Dabi, Shiggy, and Toga are out of jail. I'm assuming they waited so long to keep the public from freaking out too much. They explained a little that they have been out for a few years and are now creating their own lives. The news reporters stated, "Do not bother them with anything revolving around their life and to simply keep walking if you see them out and about. Of course, there is nothing wrong with talking to them, they are human beings, but just be kind." It was surprising to hear people say that about villains. They are just human beings and that's what some people refuse to understand. People slowly began to warm up to them, and I would see Dabi in the store talking to strangers who would come in to get a tattoo specifically from him to show that they accept him. There were a few who would slander him, but they were kicked out immediately. News got out that he was working at my shop and more customers came by the day. Bizarre, right? It was nice until some crazies started following Dabi back home. They took pictures of him coming into our house and never leaving. Kacchan calmed the alerted people saying, "We invited him over for dinner because he is a co-worker of my husband. We stayed up late and had him stay overnight in the guest bedroom. We decided this due to the hate that he does get at times. We wouldn't be surprised if someone jumped him." The news reporter woman shuffled her little cards, "Couldn't he have just used his quirk against any sudden attackers?" "No, any type of 'acting out' will get him sent to prison again." After that meeting, it calmed a bit and the stalkers were arrested. There are also some speculations about Shiggy being my brother because people have started to look deeper into my side of the family since it is recorded that I am the only one left and no one believes that. Although that is true, he is my brother, I would just never come out and say it. His own safety would be at risk. I feel like I have been rambling forever. Dear God, how much drama could happen in a few years!?

Toga moved out with Uraraka last year because they rekindled their relationship from a long time ago and have gone on to adopt and start their own life. Shiggy and Dabi are still here at the house. Dabi has become one of my workers at my tattoo shop and is very popular with the ladies, but little do they know he swings the other way. He is a good tattoo artist and I plan on keeping him for a while. Shiggy really can't work because his criminal record is the worst, but he plans on moving with Dabi in the future when they muster up enough money. I pay him to clean and do chores around the house so they are getting some sort of income.

After having that long conversation with her, Izumi is just happy to see them create a life for themselves and I think she has helped them as well. I'm not sure what she has said to them, but I know it meant a lot. After that day, they were motivated to try and become normal people in society just trying to get by. So far, they have done it well and are succeeding. That little promise I made to myself ten, eleven years ago when I was shoved out of that van, I will find a way to save them. It took a long time, but they sure as hell pulled through.

The three ex-villains became the family Izumi really doesn't have as other kids do. Kacchan's mom isn't too happy about our relationship with each other and won't see Izumi. It's not the fact that we are gay, it's the fact that in her eyes I'm still a villain. His dad was very kind about it all, but his wife keeps him away. Though, he will call in secret on birthdays and holidays to check in on us. My dad is just an ass that I don't think will ever change. I have attempted to have them meet by bringing Izumi to the jail, but he refused to talk to a 'wannabe hero.' The only people left are me and Kacchan, but we know she craves to have that big warm family. Though, none of her now extended family is perfect, they sure are the best thing to have happened for her.

Her friends have questioned why she talks to all of the now free villains, but Kacchan stepped in and helped. She has three core friends that she hangs with all of the time and it's fun to see them interact. It reminds me of Kacchan, me, and Todoroki. Mina would hang out, but she distanced herself a bit when she found out about the thing with Kiri and Kacchan. She came around later on, but I can tell she is still a bit hesitant. I'm not sure why because it has nothing to do with her, but maybe she holds it against me now.

Other than all of that, everyone is happy. Kacchan is home this week for the holidays and Toga came over with Uraraka. Their two kids came over as well, excited for gifts. They are only about four, but Izumi went off to play with them after greeting everyone at the door. Dabi helped me in the kitchen and Kacchan set the table with Toga. Although he may never say it out loud, the three have really grown on Kacchan. "Kids, come and eat!" Kacchan sure can yell, geez. Everyone sat at the table. "These past few years have been a lot, but in no way do I regret any of it. Although this is Christmas, we never got to celebrate Thanksgiving due to our busy schedules. So in honor of Christmas and Thanksgiving, I would like everyone to state what they are thankful for." I sat down after talking and had the conversation go around the table. "I'll go first to get the ball rolling. I'm thankful for my family. You guys have saved me in more ways than one and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you guys. Kacchan has known me for a long time and he never gave up hope when I had left and that was all I needed. Someone to tell me that they had faith in me, they trust me. Shiggy, Dabi, and Toga, I was mad at you three for the longest time for throwing me out of that fucking car, excuse my language, but it was the best thing to have happened to me. Our plan was to escape together and create a life on our own, but instead you pushed me out of the car in front of UA and told me to go and find him. Since then, life has only gone up, with a few downs of course, but nothing that kept me from success. Izumi, my daughter, me and your dad decided to have you at a young age. We were young, naive, but lonely. Our families had gone to shit and we only had each other until you came along. We had our own little family despite all of the missing people. I had a lot of problems, personally, when you were much younger. I was attempting to get over trauma while raising you at home. Your father had a lot of work due to his new job at the time and we were just at home. You, sweets, inspired me to be better and be there for you. I would've missed out on all of this if it wasn't for you and Kacchan helping me through my hard times." Izumi looked at me. "What did I do exactly?" I smiled at her. "You're just excited. Your existence made me want to get up instead of licking my puppy wounds." She giggled a bit at her accomplishment that she doesn't even remember. I looked around the table and saw I hadn't spoken about Uraraka. "Although me and you were never really friends, I'm thankful to see that someone can accept Toga other than us. I'm glad to see you two have a family and start your own lives together. Please take care of her." She nodded at me with a smile.

Everyone went through their list of people and things they are thankful for. A few made me tear up hearing my family say such kind things to me, but what really made the tears start flowing was when Shiggy went, "Nobody knew we were siblings, heck we didn't even know, but I do remember one thing. When you had followed father to the lair you were so obvious. Of course, you were caught and sent home, but I followed you. You had a house and a mom, more than I could ever ask for, but the next time I saw you, you had absolutely nothing. Together we grew up later becoming friends with Toga and Dabi along the way. Later, father told us we were siblings and even though the circumstances were horrible, we were happy. Izu, you saved us from so many different things through the years and I can't say enough how thankful I am for you. All of us, really. What really brought us all together was our dream to be heroes. We knew deep down we would never be able to be heroes, but the thought was still there. I remember the call I got a little after you had gotten into UA. You explained how life was going and about your lover over there. But you broke down crying about how you could never be what these heroes in training are and I couldn't seem to find a way to console you, but after years I found the words. Although you aren't a hero, you saved more people than I can count. You even saved yourself and us in the end. Although you're not a hero, you are a savior. Not as in God, but as in a person who everyone looks up to and strives to be." I started sobbing and everyone rushed over to hug me. Uraraka brought me tissues. "Thank you, everyone. I love you all."


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