Meaning of life

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Deku's POV:

It's been a long while since I've properly looked at things. I glanced over at my sleeping child as I held her body in my arms. She has freckles and green eyes like me, but Kaachan's hair and personality. I chuckled a little, imagining having two little angry Pomeranians to handle. "This house is going to be just like Kaachan when we were growing up."

As an omega, I am fully capable of giving birth, but being a male omega comes with risks. It's not recommended to bear a child due to potential side effects, even death. So, we found a doctor who specializes in such cases because of her quirk. She held both of our hands and performed her magic, and voilà, a child.

Kaachan and I made that decision after getting married and finally moving out of those dorms. Almost everyone from our class attended our wedding, including a few teachers and pro heroes who understood our situation. It was beautiful, and we had a wonderful time.

We soon moved in together after managing to save enough money to buy a house. Kaachan is the main breadwinner, but I also bring in my own chunk of cash every few months from my tattoo parlor, which I finally managed to open.

Instead of becoming a therapist, I decided to be a tattoo artist because, honestly, I don't think I'd be good with handling other kids' traumas. I can barely handle my own. After many years, I came forward and admitted what my father had done to me and my mother. All Might, who attended our wedding, was able to defeat All For One and put him in a highly guarded jail. I visit from time to time in an effort to introduce him to his granddaughter, but he's still his usual asshole self. "I see you took my advice and went with that blond alpha boy." Like, oh my God, shut up already. You can't even see! Can you smell it or something? Man, he's an annoying old bitch, but some part of me still loves the prick.

After a nap, Izumi woke up and let out a cute little yawn. "Papa, when is Dada coming home?" "Not till later on, sweets. He has lots of work to do!" Her little face lit up. "Saving the world, right!?" I nodded. "Saving the world! Now let's get you to bed!" She got up and started running. "Not unless you can catch me!" I sighed and chased her throughout the house. I caught her and picked her up. "Tickle attack!" She laughed. "Stop it, Papa!" "Not until you agree to sleep so you can be as big and strong as your Dada!" "Okay, okay, I'll go night-night!" I stopped tickling the little gremlin and tucked her in. "Did you brush your teeth?" She nodded yes but gave me an evil smirk. "You are just like your father. Go and brush your teeth!" She did so and snuggled in once again. "Night-night, Izumi." "Night, Papa." I turned off her lights and closed the door behind me. I let out a tired sigh. "Where is he?"

I stayed up until 2 AM watching TV again until I heard keys in the door. It's Kaachan. "Hey, why are you still up, Izu?" Sleepily, I walked over to the tall, muscular blond. "Just waiting for you." "I told you I'd be back later tonight! They had us doing patrols for hours!" I tapped his cheek, and he bent down. I pecked his lips. "You must be tired. Go take a shower. I'm going to bed now that I know you're home." He gave me a bitter smile, and I looked down. "Izu..." "I'm going to bed." I went down the hall and entered our bedroom at the very end. I snuggled into the cool sheets and tried to sleep. "I would've been the worst therapist."

Bakugo's POV:

I finally came home after all the stupid patrols the administration has us doing now that crime rates have gone up. I noticed the lights were on. "Not again." I saw Deku with his eyes glued to the TV screen, then they darted toward me. "Hey, what are you still doing up, Izu?" He gave me a peck on the lips. "You must be tired. Go take a shower. I'm going to bed now that you're home." I couldn't help but give him a bitter smile, which made Deku a little too self-conscious. "Izu..." "I'm going to bed." He walked off. "Fuck."

Ever since Deku's mother died, he started having issues that didn't seem like a big deal at first, but now that they're resurfacing, it's becoming a problem. He has major separation anxiety and has frequent episodes. Though he has his issues, he's a great father and loves Izumi very much. It was worse when she wasn't here, that's for sure, but because she reminds him of me, it gives him some closure.

He's told me that he doesn't like being apart from me because it reminds him of when he was trapped in the League. He's also told me how he really met the League members who are now in jail—disgusting, not the friends, just the situation he was put into. To explain further, Deku was being sexually assaulted by someone, and Dabi happened to walk in on them. He and the others fought him off and saved Deku from a lifetime of pain and suffering, but how it's affecting him now shows something different.

I took a shower, checked on Izumi, and headed to bed. I found Deku sitting upright, a bit zoned out. I climbed from my side of the bed and sat next to him. I brought his head to my lap and brushed my fingers through his hair. He seemed tense, so I talked a little in an attempt to help. "You don't have to be strong all the time. You can be weak. Those are words you told me once, but maybe you were directing them more at yourself. I want you to know I'm here for you, and I'm not going anywhere. You and Izumi are my life, and I wouldn't give you up for anything." He seemed to relax a bit as I continued to softly comb his soft green hair. "You will get through this because me and our beautiful daughter are here, and at the end of the day, that's all that matters. Not too long ago, in one of your episodes, you asked what the meaning of life is, and I'm not sure. I know what my meaning in life is, but you have to find your own. But when I see your life as a person looking in, I see quite a lot. I see a survivor, a go-getter, an artist, a family man, a lover, a caretaker, dependable, and a strong-willed individual who can do anything." I could hear him softly breathing, indicating that he was asleep. Without waking him, I gently scooted over, lay down on my side with the nerd facing me, and cuddled his small body in an embrace. I let out a small sigh. "Sweet dreams."


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