Home Sweet Home

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Deku POV:

The bright and warm morning sun shone on my face through the white curtains in our bedroom. My eyes fluttered open to be greeted by streams of sunlight peeking through gaps in the window. That's a nice way to wake up. I heard soft breathing behind me and felt a firm grip on my waist. Kacchan was sleeping soundly. He must've had a long night like me.

The party was great, and it was definitely fun to see everyone's faces again, but man did it tire me out. We are still young adults with kids and jobs. Most of us are in our early twenties or late twenties. It almost seems like we moved too fast into the future. As normal high school graduates, we partied and went to concerts, but had to stop after Mina got pregnant. Their son was born several months before our daughters, and then slowly but surely, our friend group had families. Sometimes I wish I had lived a little more in my young years, but I'm happy here. I wouldn't replace it for anything. "Deku, your mumbles are getting louder by the second." Kacchan's muffled words made me smack my hand to my mouth. Was I really talking out loud? "Right, sorry." He rubbed my bed-head styled hair. "Don't apologize."

We went on about our day, waiting for a later call from Todoroki or Iida telling us that we can pick Izumi up, when we received a phone call from the county jail. I answered it. "Hello?" "Hey, how have you been?" I gasped at the recognizable raspy voice. "Shiggy!?" "Yeah, that's me." "Oh my Lord, how have you been holding up? I thought you weren't allowed to have phone calls?" He sighed. "Yeah, I wasn't, but then suddenly a guard came with Dabi and Toga in cuffs, saying we are free to go now. I wasn't sure, but it is really happening and they let one of us make a phone call for someone to pick us up. You were the first person I could think of." I thought for a moment. "Let me ask Kacchan." I could hear his chuckle from the phone even as I took it away from my ear. I walked over to the tall blonde and explained what was happening and asked if we could have them sleep over for a night or two and see what to do from there. He hesitated, but later agreed to the terms. "Okay, but we are not keeping this from Izumi. Are you willing to explain to her your past and how you know a group of villains that was captured?" I rubbed my temples. "I mean I'm not going to hide anything from her and I don't ever want to, so yes I'll tell her myself." He nodded and said, "Okay," but gave me a stern eye as he walked off. I know he doesn't like this at all, but maybe he will change his mind as he gets to know the three. I brought the phone back up to my ear. "Alright, I'm coming to get you guys." I got ready and left with a peck on Kacchan's lips. "Call me if you pick up Izumi." Kacchan gave me a small smile. "Be safe." With that I drove over to the county jail.

After opening the doors to the cold and quiet building, officers had me sign different documents and papers that I read diligently. It took a while, but I was able to end up with all three of my past friends in the car. They seemed tired but relieved. Some of the staples keeping Dabi's scars together were missing. He looked like a bloody mess, and so was Toga. Shiggy seemed to have had some recent episodes considering the raw rashes on his neck. "Take a nap. It will be a while until we get there." They all gave me weak smiles.

Back at the house, we slowly walked to the door and went inside. Izumi was not here yet, and Kacchan hadn't left. I introduced them and then brought the three into the bathroom. "Come one at a time. You're gonna get all patched up." I had Dabi go first since he is the one that makes me gag a bit. When I was in the League, no one wanted to help Dabi with the staples so I volunteered. After he got arrested, he left behind the medical staple he probably stole at the lair. I sneaked back in and got it for safekeeping.

I grabbed a pair of gloves and began to work. First, I wiped off all of the blood that was dripping down his face and then disinfected the open wounds with hydrogen peroxide. I specifically used this so it wouldn't hurt. Then, I proceeded to staple his burnt flesh back together. I always start with the face, then the chest, and then the arms. Under the eyes is the worst though. As I went, I dried the fresh blood that was leaking from the staples to keep it clean. After applying a little pressure, the blood began to stop flowing, and it was onto the next person. I disinfected Toga's scrapes and cuts and then sent her to the shower in my bedroom with a towel, washcloth, and a set of extra clothes. I told Dabi to do the same in the other bathroom, and I would fix up Shiggy in the living room.

After getting Dabi situated, Shiggy and I went to the living area with a medical box in hand. I did the same to his rash as I did to Toga's cuts. After I patched his face and neck up, they could heal. Once everyone was clean, dressed, and fed, I gave each of them advice to help with the pain.

It was about 7 o'clock at night when Todoroki called for us to pick up Izumi. I had Kacchan do it because, you know, he doesn't want to be left alone with them. He went with complaints besides the pout on his face. It took about 20 minutes for them to come back, and when they walked in, Izumi's eyes opened wide. "Why are there villains in our home?" She stood firmly where she was with her brows furrowed. She does not like this one bit...


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