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Bakugo's POV:

I woke up in Recovery Girl's hospital bed, somewhat delirious. I looked around and saw the entire "Baku Squad" in the room with me. They were all asleep; it was about three in the morning. I shifted myself upwards to sit upright, and my movements woke Kirishima. "You're awake!" He shouted and jumped to hug me. I let out a painful moan, and he quickly backed off. "Sorry." Everyone began to wake up due to Kirishima's loud voice. "How long has it been?" Mina turned to me. "About 2 days." "Shit." I rested my head on the pillows behind me and tried to recall what happened. I was fighting someone in a bunny mask. I lifted his mask, but who the hell was it?

Sero lifted his head from his phone and showed it to me. "Look, dude, you were fighting One For All's son and managed to unmask him. The internet is going crazy because it turns out he's that missing kid from like two years ago. His name is Midoriya Izuku." My memory came back to me the moment I heard that name. "Deku." Everyone turned toward me with a bit of shock and confusion. "Do you know him?" My eyes widened as I realized what I had just said. "No, I was just saying I'm going to deck him the next time I see him." They all awkwardly laughed.

After a while, everyone began to head out back to their dorms, considering it was so late and there was school tomorrow. I was released from the hospital and sent back to my dorm room. But before I left, Recovery Girl said I have tomorrow off as well because my tailbone and spine were dislocated, and it takes a while for them to stop feeling sore after being reset.

I headed to the dorms, exhausted. I immediately passed out when I got to my bed. The next morning, I woke up extremely late in the afternoon. "Good thing I didn't have to go to school today." I lounged around on my phone until about 3 PM when I heard everyone come back. A few who weren't at the hospital stopped by briefly to check on me and then left. Around 7 PM, after I had taken my shower and gotten dressed, I heard a knock. I opened the door and saw no one was there. "What the hell?" There was another knock, and then I realized it was coming from my balcony. I walked over, suspicious of who it could be. I opened the curtains to see a bunny-masked boy standing there. "Deku."

Deku's POV:

After the attack, my hopes of escaping resurfaced. I conspired with Dabi, Toga, and Shiggy against my father so that we could escape together. I would have to get into trouble again so that my father would throw me in a cell because the cells are the only place that have a window. Shiggy, as usual, is the guard and would let me out after everyone is asleep, and Toga and Dabi would be our getaway.

Everything was going according to plan. We had gotten all the way to UA until something had to go wrong. Shiggy pushed me out of the car onto UA property. "What are you guys doing?" "Go! We have sunk too far. We are the ones who have killed and tortured people without having to be forced. There is no 'saving' us." My eyes began to water. This is our dream... we were supposed to escape together. "But we were doing this together." "We are, but you are the only one who is going to be able to escape. Just go." I looked over at Toga and Dabi. They nodded in agreement. "Were you planning on doing this the whole time!?" Toga poked her head out of the window. "We had to; you wouldn't have gone through with the plan otherwise." That's true. I would've found a different way to escape with all of them. Dabi stuck his hand out the other window. "See you some other time, kid. It was nice getting to know you." I sat there as they drove off back in the same direction as the lair. "Fuck!" I punched the ground trying to collect my thoughts. "Come on, Izuku, you have finally escaped. You can save them some other time. They did so much for you to get here; don't let it all go to waste." I got up and ran to the entrance that me and the others had broken into before. Thanks to Kurogiri, I was able to get in with no noise and find the dorms. According to the information I was given, Kacchan is on the 4th floor, room 2. I took my backpack off my shoulders and took out a grappling hook. "I only have one shot, and I can't let it hit any of the students' windows..." I threw it perfectly, and it hooked onto his balcony railing. I climbed the rope slowly to make no noise. I finally made it to the top and then collected the grappling hook from the railing. I knocked a few times on the glass, and I heard shuffling and a door opening. "What the hell?" I giggled a little at the thought of him opening the door to see no one even though there was a knock. I knocked again, and I heard him coming closer. My heart began to race a bit as I thought about how he might respond to seeing me again. Maybe this was a mistake. It's too late now. The curtain pulled back, and I saw his puzzled face as he looked at my bunny mask. He must know it's me since a few days ago he had unmasked me.

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