Tommy, Wil, & Tubbo

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Oct. 29, 2020

this was also a request. its not my best but i figured it passed the vibe checl.


Tommy sighed. "Tubbo i don't want to see your collection of mandatory workers." he stated firmly. "But why not?! They farm me wheat! And- and carrots!"

The two boys walked side by side on the prime path. They'd circled around at least once by now, having been on for about 10 minutes so far.

"Carrots? I might be interested." he paused for a moment. "No. No, i don't think i am." he said, watching tubbo turn around to look at Tommy.

In the process, however, Tubbo fell off the edge. And they'd just so happened to be right by manberg and his old house. So he plummeted into the water.

"Aah! Tommy, help me I've fallen! I'm drowning!"

Tommy leaned over the edge to peek at Tubbo and started laughing as they both went silent, and eventually Tubbos character started taking damage.

"TOMMY HELP ME I'M DYING," he cried out loudly.

The blond went silent, entire body freezing. This was too familiar.

Too familiar for his liking, in fact, because something all too similar happened with his good mates Freddie and Eryn.

"Tommy?" Tubbo asked as his character died.

Tommy switched over to his stream setup and quickly ended. Hopefully he could play it off as an internet issue.

He left the call with tubbo and immediately switched over to his conversation with wilbur.


During this, Wilbur was streaming as well. "Oh, Tommys messaging me. One second," he spoke to his stream and watched frantic messages coming from Tommys end.

'can you tlk for aoment please'

'off stream'

'mute your mic for your stream please is what i mena'

Wil did a few things and looked back at his stream chat. "Pogs in chat?" he tested. After a few moments, chat stayed relatively the same. Some people pointed out that wilbur was muted. Good sign.

WIlbur rung Tommy. "Hey, what's going on?" he asked

"Tubbo-- Tubbo was doing a bit where he fell off the edge of the path and into the water and he- he started drowning, right? And it just brought back what happened, yknow? And now I feel all shaky like I can't breathe," he explained.

"Oh boy," WIlbur stated. He's already heard about what happened with Eryn and Freddie. "Tommy do you know the 5 things method?" he asked

"I've never- no, i don't- i've never heard of it."

"I need you to say to me out loud five things you can see."

Tommy looked around his setup. "I can see my lights," he began, tears welling up in his eyes. "I see my shelves, and my monitors, i can see the things out my window," he recalled a moment he had with Freddie and Eryn outside in his backyard. This wasn't helping.

"How about four things you can touch?"

Wilbur continued on. 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. At the end of the whole ordeal everything wil was asking of him just made it worse. It just reminded him of his friends.

When Wilbur asked him if he was feeling better, he just left the call and decided to message Tubbo instead. Hopefully a distraction would make him feel better.

And it did. Because in less than half an hour he was feeling better already. Tubbo had ended his stream and was now on call with Tommy. He explained everything that happened and Tubbo promised to never bring up the topic again. The two discussed other things and immediately Tommy was forgetting the horrid feeling of an anxiety attack.

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