Tommy & Techno

700 29 3

Dec. 05, 2020


"this is all your fuckin' fault!" he shouted, tears falling down out of his eyes. "you did this! fuck you, man!" he punched the pig's arm.

"get out of here! leave! we don't want you here!" the elder gave a pitied stare, eyebrows raised as he watched the teen yell out of anger. "Tommy," he began, immediately being interrupted by the shouting boy. "shut up! I don't want you to talk to me, I don't want you to give me your fuckin' pity items! I don't- get out! fuck you!"

"Tommy. listen to me," he paused to be sure the blonde wouldn't interrupt him. "government corrupts. gives people power. Tubbo bein' the president is why he's like this."

he punched Techno's arm again. "this is your fault! don't pin this on government! Tubbo's-- Tubbo's a fine president," his voice got weaker at the end, the pieces starting to fit together. "he's a good leader," he told to more himself.

"I knew you'd get it," the pig whispered, eyes lighting up. "him being president has torn us apart," he spoke out of disbelief. 

"Tommy, answer me this. if Tubbo was really on your side, why would he be keepin' mellohi from you?" the blonde's eyes quickly widened. "what?"

"Dream could've taken it, couldn't he? Dream is gonna use the fact Tubbo has mellohi against you. Tubbo's in some sort of cahoots with Dream, that's why Dream didn't ask for the disk, and that's why you don't have it."

"No! Tubbo wouldn't do that to me! you're lying!" he pounded his fist against Techno's chest plate. "fuck you!" he cried, leaning his weight against Techno, head facing down. "you're lying. you're making this up because he's president!" he spoke more to tell himself, he'd started to believe everything the American was saying. "fuck you," he mumbled, eyes shut tightly. his body shook lightly, chest rising and falling quickly.

"Tommy," he began softly, "from one brother to another, please listen to me. power corrupts. you said it yourself; you gave him the disk, now he's not on your side. do you get it now? why I'm bein' so stubborn?"

the blonde didn't respond, just dragged his fist down Techno's chest plate, choking out sobs of pain. "stop it," he pleaded, arms fumbling and going around the pig tightly. "stop, please, shut the fuck up," Techno had slowly reciprocated. "I can't fucking take it," even after Techno went silent, Tommy was continuing, making up for his own thoughts that Techno was right. his grip on Tommy was strong. "from one brother to another," he repeated. "I wouldn't tear you and your best friend apart. I just don't want you endin' up heartbroken."

Tommy nodded, nearly collapsing all his weight on Techno. his sobs continued, the elder rubbing his hand up and down his back. "I know we've been fightin' as of recent, but- I'll always be here for you. I'll never leave you, okay?" the brit nodded, fists clenching the others chest plate. "I'm never gonna leave your side, no matter what side of a war we're on."

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