Dream & Fundy

588 12 1

Nov. 27, 2020

Clay had been on the run for nearly 7 years. 

he ran away from his parents' home when he was 14. the blonde had very good reason to, with the neglect from both his mother and father he went most nights without eating dinner.  the only time he was able to eat was during school- which was limited, because his parents never gave him enough lunch money to get a full lunch. 'tell your parents to get you money,' the lunch ladies had said.

and he fucking couldn't, which was the hardest part. with no emotional support from his parents, or support at all for that matter, he struggled through life. teachers and staff frustrating him to no end, having basically two friends didn't help either.

so one day at school, he made sure to thank his favorite teachers for being the best, tell his friends, Nick and Floris, how much they meant to him, and pack for the trip.

when he did it, his heart was pounding. slipping past his unconscious mother on the couch, father nowhere in sight, probably out cheating on his wife, he had his school backpack emptied and a draw-string bag to fill with non-expirable food and water bottles.

Clay's bag was filled to the brim with food and clothes when he was done. as easy as it would be to walk out the back door, his mother would hear. so he had to sneak out through his window.

his hair was shaggy. that's how long he'd been planning this out. enough to give himself a completely different haircut before he left. the blond stood in the bathroom, figuring out how he'd do this. he had a pair of scissors in his hand and clippers in the other.

with the clippers, he shortened the back and sides. with the scissors, he trimmed off a shit ton of hair. he even parted it down the side, instead of the middle. one last touch; hair dye.

he had a container of black hair dye and spent about half an hour using the entire bottle to dye his hair black. once his hair was rinsed and dried, he was back to his room.

finally, he was able to slightly calm himself. he sifted through all of his things and made sure he had it all; food, water, clothes, a first-aid kit, a notebook full of things he would need to know for running away like shoplifting, staying hidden, etc.. and finally, the thing that made this mission the most dangerous;

about $300 in $20 bills that he stole from a coffee can his dad kept on the fridge.

his hands were trembling as he opened his window and climbed onto the roof with his bags. holy shit, he was actually doing this.

he dangled his legs off the edge and jumped off, landing on his back from the fall. he had done so much research on how this would go. 

Clay reached in his black draw-string bag, trembling with adrenaline and fear. he had made a map of how to get to where he was needing to go, at least two towns away. it would be a long walk, but so worth it in the end.

he was walking all night and most of the next day when he finally made it to the town he was after. he rationed his water and refused to eat any food yet, despite the money he had, he needed to save it if he was going to be doing this for the rest of his life.

on the way, he was thinking of how he could change his name and fly smooth under the radar. he'd need to graduate from high school to actually get a job, so he settled on changing 'Clayton Wright' to 'Clay Bryce'. they were similar, but no suspicion could be thrown on him.

he'd spent the entire walk just thinking about how much he left behind. well, his two friends, and that was it. but they meant the world to him. when you don't have a lot to hold on to, you cherish the things you have.

the blonde found the abandoned building he was gonna live in for the rest of high school.

he spent 4 long years in school, returning to the sad place he lived. he had made friends with a kid named 'George', who let him spend the night at his house occasionally. the two were really close. there were other people, too. Wilbur, Tommy, Dave, Luke, this town had a lot more people that he was able to be friends with, he found it so much better. his mental state improved madly. there was one thing that he thought about every night though;

Floris and Nick.

he was told about how all of his new friends had their own things to differentiate themselves; Wilbur played the guitar, Tommy put shirts on his dogs, Dave was good at fighting and constantly got into fights because people challenged him a ton, Luke's parents ran a bee-farming business.

the only thing Clay would change was being able to have his two friends from his old school.


Floris took small glances at the man at the store next to him. he'd come across this person twice while being at the store and couldn't help but feel that he knew him from somewhere. the dark-haired boy finally got the courage to speak to the blonde.

"excuse me," he started nervously, getting the others' attention. "I can't help but feel I know you from somewhere," he told him. 

Clay recognized that dutch accent any day and blinked a few times. "so do I," he whispered back. "Floris?"

the brunette covered his mouth and grinned, pulling Clay into a tight hug. "holy shit, man, I can't believe it's you," he spoke on the verge of tears.

"I missed you so much, Floris," the blonde spoke back. "can we go get coffee or something sometime?"


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