SBI & Dream

765 17 21

Dec. 21, 2020

don't have a lot of effort right now to write I'm sorry uh

tw for murder
don't ask


Phil's eyes widened when he arrived where Dream had said to meet him. Dream was sitting with his legs crossed on top of a bedrock cage. four hung from the ceiling, hung by chains, each containing one of his boys. they were all dangling far from a huge pit of lava. "Phil!" Dream exclaimed. "you decided to join us!" even behind his mask, Phil could see the blonde's evil smile.

"so, Phil, it's time for you to start choosing!" his grin grew. Phil began to run towards them- he didn't know how, but he'd get up there. that is, until he was stopped by a barrier. A red wall appeared near where Phil ran into, dissolving back into invisibility near immediately. "oh, did I forget to mention? you can't stop this,"

Phil's eyes filled with tears of anger. "don't lay a fucking finger on my boys!" he shouted, beating on the barrier. his arms became restricted, being grabbed by two men in full netherite. Punz and Sapnap. "get your hands off of me!" he shouted, struggling. "there's no point in fighting back, Phil. I'm gonna do this either way," he told flipping up his mask. his bright green eyes pierced the olders, wide with insanity.

"now, Phil," he began, hopping on the top of another bedrock cage. the one Ghostbur was in. the tops had latches, large trap doors that could open for whatever he was planning. "pick one!" he exclaimed excitedly. "Tommy, Techno, Wilbur, or Tubbo!" he pointed from left to right in order. "for what?! What are you gonna do to them?!" he growled.

"oh, well, if I told you, it'd ruin the fun!" he yelled, grinning even wider. "so pick! Tommy, Techno, Wilbur, or Tubbo!" he spun around on the chains the boxes hung from. Phil could only assume nothing good would happen. Ghostbur was already a ghost, so surely it won't be horrible if it happens to him.


"hurry up, Phil," he ushered, leaning off the chains. "Wilbur," he mumbled, head lowering. Dream hummed. "speak up!~" he yelled down. "Wilbur! I pick Wilbur! god, are you happy?!" Dreams mouth twisted into a sick, sinister grin. "of course!" he clapped twice, and a bucket of water appeared in his hands. "perfect!" Dream opened the hatch to Wil's cage, smiling down at him. "Dream," his voice echoed. "what's going on?" the ghost asked, hazy eyes blinking blindly. "say goodbye to ol' pops, Wilbur!" he shouted, tipping the bucket of water on top of his head. a sizzling sound radiated through the room, along with screams of agony from Ghostbur as he melted.

Phil fought to get his arms free. "WILBUR!" he screamed, tears streaming down his face at a fast pace. Dream dropped the bucket and shut the hatch. "pick another one of your boys, Phil! or I'll pick for you!"

The blonde choked sobs, his entire body shaking with anger. "let them go! please! they're innocent! they don't deserve this! Stop!" Dream shrugged. "alright. It's Tubbo's turn!" he exclaimed, hopping over to his cage. cries from Tubbo came from him, begging Dream not to hurt him. "alright, Tubbo," he kneeled down, opening his hatch to see his terrified face, arms over his head. "get away from him!"

"aww, look, Phil! he's shaking!" Dream laughed, clapping his hands twice. a flame appeared under Tubbos feet, making him shout in pain. "oh, but Tubbo, we didn't start the fire, did we?" the last thing Tubbo saw before being burnt to a crisp was Dreams sinister grin, "well, then, Phil. you have a decision to make." he jumped from box to box, landing on Technos. "Tommy. or Techno,"

Phil lowered his head in defeat. He couldn't bear to watch another one of his boys die. "Phil! lookie here, Phil!" he shouted, opening Tommy's trap door as Phil's head was turned by Sapnap. "how about we give him a proper death? The one he's always wanted!" he reached down, grabbing Tommy by the back of his shirt and lifting him with ease. "ready, Tommy?"

"get your fuckin' hands off me, bastard!" he kicked his legs out of anger. "clap, Tommy. Clap" He demanded, nails digging into the back of Tommy's neck. He let out a yelp of pain before clapping loudly. "good job, Tommy," he whispered, holding him over the draining pit of lava. the lava had soon disappeared. "bye-bye, Tommy," he let go of the brit, watching him fall to his death, screaming the entire way. his body hit the ground with a disgusting crack as the lava filled back up.

"Technooo," he called, slowly walking over to his cage and jumping on it. "don't fucking touch him!" Phil pleaded, trying to get free once again with no avail. Dream opened his hatch, clapped twice, and caught the sword in his hands that appeared out of thin air. "ready, Techno? Ready?" the hog was silent, his head was bowed. he was ashamed. the worst part was him being completely silent during the whole thing. "don't hurt him! Dream, please! He doesn't deserve it!" he begged, still trying to break free. "hiding a person who was exiled, seems pretty punishable, don't you think?" he asked rhetorically." 

the green man let out a gasp. "oh wait! Techno, wasn't there a certain pigman that you cared a lot about?" he questioned, an evil smile on his face. "Punz, go get Hubert," he ordered, watching the blonde trudge out of the room, Sapnap now holding Phil on his own. "you're fucked up, Dream, fucked up!" Phil shouted. Techno couldn't help but watch as Hubert was dragged by Punz. "I swear to god, Dream, you're so lucky." he growled, Punz drawing a sword from his side. "ready, Punz?" he asked, receiving a silent nod. "go on, then,"

the hog screamed at the top of his lungs, begging Punz not to kill him. it was the most vulnerable any of them had ever seen Techno. he'd hit his head against the bedrock in defeat, sobbing. "please," Techno's voice crackled, hands gripping the edge of the bedrock tightly. Hubert let out a cry of pain as a sword was plunged through him.

his head shot up from the bedrock, seeing Hubert with a sword shooting out the front of him. He let out another loud wail, reaching out for him. Once again, he dropped his head in pain, chest heaving with his breathing.

"you could've lived. such a shame," Dream muttered, piercing the sword through Techno's head, killing him. The blonde let go of the sword, clapped twice, and let the lava drain. "Sapnap, escort him to the prison,"

not only did Phil have to watch his boys die one by one, but he'd also have to live with it for the rest of his life. what kind of hell was this? he didn't deserve this at all, the boys didn't deserve this.

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