Tubbo & Tommy

727 28 25

Dec, 01, 2020

trans tommy helps me cope.
i live for trans tommy.


"Tommy!" Tubbo knocked on the door of his best friends room. "come in," he heard softly, immediately walking in and shutting the door behind him. the blonde was hunched over in the corner of his bed, arms hugging himself.  "Tommy? what's the matter?" he asked, climbing up his bed.

the blonde gripped his sides tightly, furrowing his eyebrows. he hated speaking out lout about his issues, especially to Tubbo and especially about something he's never told him. "what's wrong Tommy?" the brunette asked again, sitting cross-legged on his bed.


the blonde looked up at his friend, letting his arms rest by his sides. "can I hold you?" he whispered, avoiding his eyes. TUbbo raised his eyebrows, surprised. "sure," he responded, moving on top of Tommy as his arms wrapped around his body. Tommy's heart panged against his chest, the loud noise reaching Tubbo's ear. "are you okay?"

"holding you makes me feel masculine," Tommy admitted. "why wouldn't you feel masculine?"

"can I tell you something?" he responded simply, mind rapid with thoughts. "sure. what is it?"

they both waited in silence, waiting for Tommy to speak. even he was scared to. "I'm not a boy," he put it plainly, body numbing in pain. the brunette laughed a bit. "what? what d'you mean?"

"I mean--" he huffed, frowning out of frustration. "I- wasn't always a- I changed it. does that make sense?" Tubbo thought for a moment when it hit him. "oh! are you-- are you like- yeah! I get it. I know what that is,"

the blonde nodded, grip tightening on his friend a bit. "is that why you like holding me?"

"yeah," he whispered softly. "do you wanna talk about it? what it's like?" the brunette asked. "it- it's a lot of pain, Tubbo, a lot. it's like I can never do enough to hide my chest and I only feel good about myself when I get to the point where I can't breathe, and even then it still feels too noticeable. it's so nerve-wracking to go into college and feel like people are staring at you-- like they know. and can tell. I hate it."

Tommy could go on forever about how much it sucked. "I knew when I was ten, and some of my family still refuses to accept I'm serious. every time I go anywhere I feel like if I don't have a hoodie on or don't do my most to cover it up then it's obvious. it's like if I even straighten my back in the slightest then- then people can tell, and every time I go out and- get called 'sir' it's like I'm- I'm on top of the world." he began choking on his words, getting more emotional. talking to Tubbo about this was the most relieving thing ever.

"everyone can probably tell and yet I tell myself they can't just to calm my fuckin' nerves. I barely even shower anymore because I'm scared to look in the mirror and see the monster I am. Tubbo this is a living hell for me," he finished, voice cracking. "Tommy," the brunette began. "if it means anything to you, I never knew. in the year I've known you, I could never tell. not once did I ever wonder if you were a guy. I never doubted it. even when we met, Tommy, we went swimming. and I couldn't tell at all. you pass really well! and that's coming from me! you are so tall, man, and even in this position I cant tell."

the blonde smiled weakly, securing his arms around the other tightly. "that means so much," he replied. "please don't hurt yourself, though. the last thing I want is you hurting yourself. Tommy, if you ever need me I'll be here. I have two sisters! and they're both younger than me! I know how to take care of people. I've been doing it for years. so know now if you ever feel like shit, call me, and I swear I'll run to your house faster than I've ever ran."

Tommy's smile widened. lowering his head. "thank you, man. that means so much to me."

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