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"Hi." Freddie says smiling at us. I smile back, "hi?" He looks at the locker next to him then back at me and effy, "Do you mind if I take this locker?" "You could take anything if you wanted it enough." He stared at me intrigued then moved his eyes to effy almost pushing me aside. "Yeah, Well because everything new and I supposed we should..you know..get to know eachother." "Why,"effy says which makes him Start to feel a bit dumb. "You definitely looked at me this morning...twice, and I just thought you know maybe we could get to know eachother," he looks at both of us waiting for us to answer. "I look at lots of people that doesn't mean I want to gEt to kNow them," effy mocks. Then she starts walking off. I stay for a bit and he just stands there and I look at him with a wonder in my eyes, "Do you want us to get to know you?" Effy turns around confused as to why I was still going. "I won't mind," he says licking his lips slightly. I chuckle to myself then point to JJ and cook trying to impress some girl, "Thing is, they want to get to know us too." He looks over at them then back at me. "They're just wankers." "They're your bestfriends," effy says lifting her eyebrows at Freddie. "Okay so their my bestfriends-" "then that makes it complicated doesn't it?" Effy says. "I- uh..I was hoping not," Freddie says as effy gives him a smirk. "I'm Freddie," he says to effy and she moves to her locker pulling out a paper. I had no idea what she was up to but I just watched. "Fill out this form, it's a list of things we're not supposed to do which the lady said before your best mate got his cock out." Freddie looks at the list then looks up at effy confused. Typical effy making things a game. "I was gonna try to get them all done by the end of the day with my sister but this is way more interesting. First person to fill it out gets to..get to know us." She grabs my arm and pulls me closer I just stand there concealing my feelings for Freddie. "And no cheating we'll need evidence," I say trying to get something out before I look dumb. Freddie looks at me his eyes burning into my soul. He looks at me like he can read me. But I know he can't because nobody can except effy. We start to walk off Freddie's eyes following our mini dresses. " I won't fuck a cheat," effy says as we went into the next hallway . "Sorry?" Freddie says but before he can get an answer we're gone.

Me and effy walk the hallway like the baddest bitches here which we obviously are but we didn't even need to say unlike Katie Fitch. Me and effy run into her and her twin or should I say shadow. "Oh hey I'm Katie and you guys are hot we should totally hang out because we're the hottest in here, sorry but we are."
I roll my eyes and cross my arms, "right like I'd want to be friends with you." Katie looks shocked but Looks to effy to save this "friendship". Effy just laughs and looks at Emily behind her and waves. She waves back looking like a scared girl which I felt bad for. So I went over to her. "Hey I'm Lana." "I know..I mean hi.." I laugh at her. Then I see the blonde girl come and Emily's face shifts and I immediately knew. "Oh no here she comes, total lezzo bitch." Naomi rolls her eyes at Katie and walks pass Emily's eyes follow her. I bring Emily back to where Katie and eff were standing. Then Naomi comes behind Katie, "careful Katie I might just fuck you with my big strap on by mistake." Me and Emily laugh at her comment. Katie just rolls her eyes and turns back to effy as Naomi walks into the classroom. "She just jumped on my sister and kissed her at middle school isn't that something?" "Leave it Katie," Emily says. "Oh whatever come on let's get a seat guys," Katie says walking into the classroom. effy laughs at my annoyed face and walks in behind her. I turn to Emily as she tries to walk into the classroom, " so you're the doormat then?" "Sort of..," she says looking at me confused. "Interesting, that you just put up with that," I say walking slowly into the classroom.

We all take our seats and I sit next to effy of course. We are something like inseparable. "So welcome to roundview we will start by saying our names and one fact about ourselves yeah?" We all nod and wait for our names to be called. "You in the back." Katie stands up trying to impress everyone and I roll my eyes, "I'm Katie and I've never not had a boyfriend since I was seven." "And we care because?" I say but not too loud I didn't feel like dealing with this teacher. Katie eyes me and then the teacher calls on Emily. "I'm Emily and I've never had a boyfriend." As Emily sits down her and Naomi make eye contact. "You with the bling," the teacher says pointing to Effy. "I'm effy and I think my moms having an affair," as effy states her fact I look at her shocked. I didn't know any of this. "You with the pink streak." I stand up knowing he is referring to me, "I'm Lana and I like my eyeliner to be sharp as knife." Cook laughs and looks at me, "top tier Lana, top tier." I roll my eyes and notice he is sniffing glue like a weirdo and effy looks over. He holds up the list and I had almost forgot already. "You with the hat." Freddie stands up awkwardly, "I'm Freddie, I met a girl I liked today...she's like..beautiful, that's it." As he says that I assumed he was talking about effy and I will admit I got a bit sad but I looked up and he was staring at me. No he couldn't be talking about me. I turned away really fast and then effy raised her hand, "Sir I'm feeling a bit sick could I go to the nurse?" "Yeah go ahead," the teacher responded. Effy smirks at cook before getting up and I realize what she was doing. I reach in my bag and hand her some protection. I shake my head and laugh as she leaves the classroom. "Um I'm feeling a bit sick too my stomach isn't going well can I see that nurse too?" Cook asks and gets sent off quickly following after effy. I smirk at him and he does it back blowing a kiss at me and I give him a annoyed look. Freddie looks disappointed and soon he moves to the seat next to me, "Hey." "Hi?" "I noticed you had a different vibe then effy the last time we spoke and I was wondering if you wanted to get to know me?" I almost choke on my spit, "what makes you think that I'd want to get to know you?" I give him a side eye. "Cmon you gave me a bit of looks today..a lot more than your sister and a lot more telling," he says fully facing me. Inside I was getting scared, he did read me and he was starting to catch on. You and these looks..dude I give looks to lots of people," I say chuckling a bit. "Right because you looked JJ and Cook in the eyes too." "Piss off mate," I say giving him a fake smile which was slightly real. "So we're mates now? That's a win for today." I laughed at him I really couldn't resist his charm. I think I had a crush..


The next few days we had made a group with all the wankers in town after cooks birthday disaster. Today was pandora's party. Me effy and Katie had came before anyone else meeting her weird mom. We decided to spice up this boring party with some MDMA in the brownies. After we put them in the oven we all went upstairs. "LOOK MY MUM MADE US ALL PAJAMAS!"pandora held up these weird looking sheets. "Those are the pjs?" "Yes L here this one says sexy poo," pandora says throwing me the handmade dress. I look at it with confusion but it was panda's birthday so fuck it. She hands Emily, Katie and Naomi a dress and they all look at it with disgust. "Oh babes I'm not wearing that," Katie states throwing it at pandora's face. Pandora wears a frown and that gets me annoyed. I take the dress and throw it back at katie, "You're gonna wear it katie." Katie looks intimidated and just hold the dress. Effy walks in the room and takes a dress from pandora. I walk over by the window to see the nice weather which isn't common in Bristol. I took off my shirt at the same time and when the shirt came off my head I saw cook looking at my tits. I smirked and waved then he fell from the roof top. I laughed to myself. "What was that?" Emily asks me. "Nothing," i say thinking about cook's face looking at my tits. Why did I not hate it? I put on the dress and look at myself in the mirror. Before I could say anything I see Emily looking at Naomi. I go over to her ear and whisper, "honey you're drooling." She pushes me and laughs, "whatever". Her mom opens the room door and talks about how good the brownies are. Then we all start dancing eating so many brownies that fill us with sparks.

I open my eyes and I realize there were over 100 people in the house. I didn't know what happened from when I ate the brownies to now but I was dancing. I went to look for effy in the room and find her and cook fucking. "Woah sorry." They don't even notice me and I go back into the living room and I see JJ. He looked very scared so I ran over to him. "JJ ARE YOU OKAY?" "NO-TO MANY-maNY PEOPLE, I NEED TO GET OUT," he says stumbling his words. "Okay cmon," I grab him taking him out the house but I was a bit too fucked to know where I was going. I got him to a place with less people and called Freddie. "Freddie you have to get here JJ-," Freddie then tells me he is close and I wait with JJ until he comes. Once he arrives he is wearing a jumper without sleeves revealing his arms and I got distracted by them while he was trying to talk to me. "LANA? CMON." The room started spinning as Freddie grabbed me and JJ and brought us outside. Me and JJ both sit on the sidewalk taking some breath before we walk home. Freddie has dropped his phone so he went to retrieve it but I hear another familiar voice. "Freddie you came, cool," effy said with a huge smile on her face. I could barely hear what they were saying because I was high as hell. I just heard murmurs. I was nervous because I remembered the look effy gave Freddie which was something I've never seen before. But then Freddie came to me and JJ and we got in a cab. The next thing I know I'm in some place and Freddie is standing over me. "Freds?" "Yeah?" "I think I had too many brownies." He laughs at me and then push's my hair behind my ear. "Get some rest crazy," he says and I drift off to sleep slowly.

Do you think Freddie likes effy or Lana?

Also Guys I changed the order of events on purpose don't worry

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