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Yule Ball

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Yule Ball

AS WE ARRIVED at the stairs leading to the Great Hall, my eyes were wandering for a particular interest. An interest I wasn't supposed to think about. But its hard to ignore my thoughts. I really thought that it meant something. But here I am, sulking about my mistaken thoughts..

Why am I even thinking that this could somehow happen? A point for being an idiot there, Amoura. He will be with Astoria soon. And I'll just be back to my ordinary state. I'd figured to put this behind me for once and enjoy the night. I have a dance to prepare for.

The Great Hall looked wonderful as always. A path of light spills from the entrance. The house tables vanished, it was replaced with smaller tables; each glowing with lantern lights around a central dance floor. Everyone was in their well-dressed clothing.

It was beyond ravishing seeing all my friends — smartly-dressed. That in some other way, seeing them, fills me with joy. That whatever negative thoughts — just goes away.

"Hermione, off you go! Enjoy the night with Viktor"

"Enjoy the night with Harry aswell, Amoura!" She replies with a wide smile while opening the doors, seeing Viktor Krum waiting for her. No one knew he was Hermione's date, except for me. I consider myself quite lucky.

draco malfoy

Astoria was just in the corner of my eye, wearing a long silver gown with a fancy hairstyle. Just to my surprise, she asked Elliot. Fucking Locket. Pansy lets out a sharp gasp causing Alexander and I to follow her gaze. In the other side of the Hall, there she was. Amoura Lovelace. Divine and Alluring. Just like what Alexander described it would be.

I was infuriated seeing Amoura & Potter together. I regret what I tried to consider. Which is Parkinson being my date for the night. I couldn't take my eyes off Amoura. Her hair was in a graceful knot and her swan-neck was shining. It was breathtaking.

I thought that asking Pansy to be my date would try and get rid of the emotions I feel whenever I'm around Amoura. That in some type of way she made me feel alive.

This wasn't helping at all.

amoura lovelace

I scanned the crowd seeing people gasped in awe. They haven't seen me smartly-dressed. "Bloody Hell" I hear Ron muttered, seeing Hermione and I walked down together in the flight of stairs — making our way inside the Great Hall. My grin faltered when the platinum blonde caught my eye. Thankfully he wasn't looking just yet. He was in a conversation with Alexander.

"Harry!" I exclaimed and gave a tight embrace. He wore robes of bottle green that went well with his eyes and Ron wore second-hand robes that were more 'traditional'. I also wore a green bracelet just to match his robes. "Amoura you look wonderful!" He exclaims while Ron was eyeing at Krum. Probably surprised by the fact that someone indeed asked Hermione out.

Breathe, Amoura; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now