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Seeing how things drastically changed over the past few days made me think how this isn't the home I once knew. Those useless rules that our new headmaster proposed were actually up to no good. She took advantage of the freedom we used to have.

Now look at us, we look like lifeless students that is forbidden to have any type of fun. "I could really use some of the twin's tricks to just kick that woman out."  I thought aloud — not realizing that Fred & George was able to hear it. "Your wish is our command!"

They both said in unison as I gasped in surprise seeing the both of them unexpectedly just behind me. "I was kidding! You shou—" I stopped as I saw both of them rushing towards the exit of the door. As long as we wouldn't be in much trouble, then we'll be fine.

But I still wonder what they could be up to.


I sat down on one of the many chairs, placed inside the Great Hall. My brain was completely lost. I've been watching the giant mundane clock, swinging back and forth while it's ticking endlessly, disturbing me in my thoughts, leaving me lost and confused.

As I was looking around the Great Hall, Madelyn and Hermione seemed to be finished. While, Draco was too focused on the questions that he didn't mind Crabbe, peeking at his answers.

Classic Crabbe.

A peculiar sound coming from the huge doors made me intrigued. What could've been happening in this certain time? All of our heads turned as we tried to figure out what could've been the source of this popping and cackling sound. Umbridge marches swiftly to the huge double doors, causing us to stop answering.

A single spark appeared right in front of her face, as a way of teasing her. Few minutes later, I heard two familiar voices that were obviously the twins. They busted inside the hall while flying with their brooms as I was mesmerized seeing the colorful fireworks.

"We granted your wish, Madame Amoura!" George snickers as they both flew past me.

They flew overhead, making our papers fly across the whole hall. Massive amount of fireworks soon began as they were targeting, nearly the whole Slytherin house, aside from me. I caught a glimpse of Draco having fun, not only until a huge spark was aiming at him, making him pushed to the wall in fear.

Luckily, he was able to duck out of the wall, causing the spark imprinted the image of his face on that wall. Quite baffling actually.

Finally, the finale we all have been waiting for...

A huge firework shaped as dragon aimed directly to Umbridge as it releases its fire, making her sprint out of the hall. Everyone cheered and ran outside for the remarkable action made by the Weasley's.

My grin soon faltered seeing Harry down to the floor and just as quickly, we rushed towards him—helping him off the ground as white terror washed over his face.

"Sirius" His breath began breathing heavily as we soon knew that he had visualized something terrible about to happen.


"Amoura, find Ginny!" Hermione calls for my name and I nodded back and looked for Ginny while I was with Valerie. "You know how your risking your safety for this, right?" She asked. "I'd rather die for my friends than dying because of this curse." I replied back.

Ginny was nowhere to be found. Bathroom's none. Classroom's none. Corridor's none. There's only one place I could find her, the library.

We both headed to the Library only to realize that it was trap. "Well well... Who do we have here?" Pansy asked in a sugary-voice as she was playing with her quill.

Breathe, Amoura; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now