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this was the beginning of an end.

— *time skip* play the song while reading !

As time progresses, darkness filled the sky, making it increasingly clear that times will only get tougher each and every day. I wasn't able to visit Draco. I had frequent heart attacks. I couldn't breathe.

It made me weaker. Making it seem like our end was drawing nearer and nearer. Just with a snap, it perishes — leaving nothing but a distant memory.

I thought I would be saved from the curse. But every-time I was with Draco, it felt rather different. As if fate had planned another ending— destined for us. An ending that could change my entire perspective on how much time I have left.

If whether this was a strong— lasting relationship.

I have never received a single letter, or even had the chance to see him this entire summer. He was distant. I was longing for his touch. But there's something mysterious about that which is hidden and unknown— just beneath his emotions.

I could faintly discern what he would look like now.

After I received such news about Lucius being back at Azkaban, this still lead to a-lot of confusion. I barely cared about the fact that Lucius was sent away. It would be better for him anyways.

But this can't be the only reason why Draco had gone distant. He hated his father. He didn't had any other choice, but to make wrong decisions— just to make his father proud.

Although mother indeed despises Lucius, she would never resent Draco and would always welcome him in open-arms. Two days left and summer was over.

Two more days and I could finally feel this certain buzzing exhilaration that I haven't known in months. Every day I wake up, I was rather down. I've been with Harry— grieving on the lost of Sirius.

He was one of Harry's father figure. Why did they have to take him? He lost everyone he loved. Now that Voldemort is back, I still encouraged him that this dark, unknown feeling that was growing in each one of us, will eventually be put to an end.


Madelyn and I stood outside Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, admiring the buzzing atmosphere just from the outside. Hermione, Ginny, Madelyn and I headed to a big pink display, filled with love potions that from their words, they actually work.

I find it quite ironic. You don't need a silly love potion to make someone fall in love with you. You just need to be you. And there's no harm in that.

"Hello Ladies." They paused as they noticed that Ginny was holding one of the love potions. "And who would this lucky boy be?" George asked as Ginny abruptly puts it back, immensely embarrassed with her brothers' remark.

Before I could say a word, something rather odd caught my eye, causing me to follow this black-hooded figure. No one seemed to be paying attention to this certain figure, this made me quite intrigued and followed it. "Hang on, I'll be back in a minute." I excused myself, making my way outside.

Breathe, Amoura; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now