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I lie awake at night, wishing you were still here.


My heart gave a horrible jolt of fear. What would he do with a vanishing cabinet? My mind wandered back to what Mr. Weasley had mention—

"They were all the rage when Voldemort first rose to power. It can transport you practically anywhere. Tricky contraptions, though. Very temperamental."

I observed — again, with a bewildered expression, as I saw a bitten apple inside. It's been untouched for years. Yet here it stood, in the middle of restoration.

What for? I thought to myself. What would be this valuable being that he needed to transport? That question still remained unknown for me.

Wondering and awaiting for its definite answer.

Maybe telling Harry was a good thing. But perhaps not even close to being possibly helpful. I can't risk letting the three of them to delve in deeper. I need my curiosity to control me. I needed it — now.

Though it would be hard managing not to mention about this to my friends; after everything I had told them — I really ought to not let them know that I'm on to it aswell.

There would be a little amount of prospect of having my questions answered. I need to find the right time — Discovering if what I have observed was true.

I have been wandering the halls of Hogwarts, aimlessly and lethargically — I needed to rest. I drank my pill and headed back to my bed, as my calming lavender scent — lingered around the whole room.

But I couldn't sleep. I tried to empty my mind — I needed sleep. But what I had discovered wasn't easy to forget. It would be stuck in my mind for countless days.


"You have to eat, Amoura!" Valerie orders as I yawned groggily. "I'm not hungry, Val." I groaned as my sleep had been interrupted when Valerie and Elliot came barging in my dorm using Alohamora. "It's been days! You haven't been eating and you've been skipping class." Elliots says as I grabbed my pillow, to cover up my grimace — mocking his words softly.

Without warning, Valerie pulls me out of my bed forcefully, as I frowned instantly. I kept my eyes close; as she ruffles through my hair, tucking the loose strands behind my ear. "Bloody hell, you've gotten pale." Valerie's brows furrowed — giving me a perplexed look.

As Elliot heard her words, he immediately rushed to where I stood — as he held my hands.

"What's stressing you, Amoura? You've always been consistent in drinking your pills. Tell us what's bothering you." He falters as I swallowed thickly — causing my eyes to avert in what he had asked.

I haven't been drinking my pills nor using my charms. All along I thought I would be better without them. But it made it worse, to the point that I get exhausted easily. I often dozed off — drifted in lost thoughts. I've been wondering for weeks why Draco felt off.

As Valerie tried to read my expression, she noticed my sudden reaction just as quickly. She rummaged through my trunk, finding my filled bottle that had remained untouched for days. "Amoura..." She pauses as she held the filled bottle in her hands.

"You know how important this is for you." She explained as I let out a sigh. "I can't take it anymore, Val." I replied as I embraced her tightly.

"What's stressing you, Amoura? Please— just tell us." She pleaded faintly as a tear trickles down from the inner corner of my glossy eye.

Breathe, Amoura; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now