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"I MOST CERTAINLY do understand that you are devastated with my decision. But please, try to understand. I can't loose you." I whimpered while Hermione makes a sound of disbelief afterwards.

"I- I'am angry Amoura, what were you even thinking?" I turned away from her and glanced at Harry and Ron, hoping I wouldn't see the reaction she's been doing.

"I mean, its Draco. Malfoy for Merlin's Sake!" She continues in an angry yet disappointed tone. "We all thought you hated him, what could have possibly make you fall in love with him? I-"

"He's quite different, Hermione" I muttered.

"D-different?" she gasped, doubtfully.

lie, amoura

"Just please understand. I promise to be the same Amoura as I will ever be and I will never change for Draco." I reassured.

They all let out a sigh and Harry chimed in.

"Do you love him?" Harry asked.

I know what I was going to answer is a lie. I don't love him. But if they know what this was. They would be more furious and higher chances are, they would leave me. And I don't want that to happen.

"Y-yes" I stammered.

a lie again.

"We all just want whats best for you, Amoura" Ron chimed in and hugged me.

We all gave each other a bone crushing hug.

"I'm still disappointed at you Amoura, but if thats what your heart leads you to, Then I would try to understand." Hermione raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms.

"Oh, I love you guys!" I exclaimed and they all chuckled.

They are the best friends I've ever had. They are irreplaceable. No one could be as better as them.



~ the next day ~

Since I needed to follow the rules of our plan, I headed to the Quidditch Training Pitch for Draco's practice. I was annoyed seeing him again. I just wished I never had to be part of his plan.

I was early to arrive which is great. There's a low chance Draco could approach me and see me.

While I was sitting down at the bleachers, doing my Charms Essay. I was quite in a calming state until..

A group of girls from Ravenclaw approached me. They looked.. mean and craved to hurt me. I have no idea why would they approach me.

Breathe, Amoura; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now