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for the early readerss, check out chapter one, i added a video about amoura and draco's story so you guys can have a visualization of their summary <3


I dashed down through the busy corridor, more like a shortcut to the Room of Requirement — that was finally empty, hoping that no one would be around in this certain time. I was late for DA meeting and I knew I had to rush, knowing that today will be an interesting topic to learn about.

Persuading Draco and making him believe that I needed to help Hermione with something — is actually more harder than I thought it would be.

"Where are you running off again?"

"Just make sure you'll not be back here in pieces."

I let out a chuckle upon remembering his replies. But above all my thoughts, I was still thinking about that certain prophecy. That certain prediction. Not knowing if this is what I would look out for. I was uncertain of my fear, whether if I should believe it or not. I can't loose my only source of happiness.

"Amoura! Glad you could make it." Harry exclaims as I saw everyone in groups glancing at me, while I was rushing inside the room. "Apologies, It was hard letting D—"

"We know, Amoura. It's okay." Hermione lets out a reassuring smile and I sighed in relief.


"Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up." Harry announces as I stayed beside Luna, trying to produce a full-bodied patronus. I took a deep breath and tried to focus on what really is my happiest memory. Let's take a walk down the memory lane.

What could have been that memory?

I thought of my parents but it didn't seem to work. "Keep trying, Amoura." Harry encouraged as he stayed and watched. I aimed my wand — trying to cast the spell, and I finally struck on this one memory. This memory that I would love to just travel back in time to feel it once again.

f l a s h b a c k
— summer of 1988

Nothing could ever compare the happiness I felt when I spent most of my childhood with the person I began to hate, that just as slowly, I had already understand his great complexity.

Summer. The season that Draco and I have been waiting for all year long. How the sun strikes up my window, that as I close my eyes — it's directly overhead. How the grass was greener and brighter, having a pleasant underfoot. This is my happiest memory. Where I was able to spend my time with the person i've been longing for and i'm hoping to spend the rest of my life with.

Where we didn't know what was happening around the world. That all we thought about were just sweets and quidditch. No curse. No voldemort. No hatred.

Just pure happiness.

e n d

"Expecto Patronum!" I exclaimed as my wand bursts. It didn't produce a shapeless cloud of mist, but a blinding, dazzling, silver animal. The blue power took over and glided as it soared through the high ceilings. It was in a representation of a Phoenix. A mythical bird that represents hope and grace, urging us to fight on.

To fight on the journey I have left. It doesn't matter if my whole life represents a ticking time bomb. I'd rather spend the time I have left with the people who cares for me the most than to be hospitalized as the results of the effects on their so-called medicine. It was only making me weak and it could make my state right now, even worst.

Breathe, Amoura; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now