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— THANK YOU GUYS FOR 2K READS HOLYYY- THATS CRAZY !! + y'all this fanfic is about to end. theres about 10+ chapters left but i'm still indecisive if I want to add more plot :"( anywayss enjoy reading mwa <3

+ lets just pretend that trelawney is still here :)

+ i'm sorry if this is a shitty chapter, but i promise that exciting things are coming :) !!


Draco and I's relationship, spreads like wildfire, — overflowing with mixed emotions. Either amused, disappointed, jealous, furious or whatever adjective you could actually think of. Wherever I go, the room would always be filled with stares or whispers that to my extent, is actually ridiculous just to think of it.

But I pay no bother.

I can't even walk out of the common room without Pansy's dirty look towards me. This just shows how they notoriously fickle a-lot whenever something unexpected happens. It changes the entire view on a person, — all their thoughts gets passed on one person to another, when its just based on their own opinion and judgment.


I sat alone in the courtyard, ignoring the looks on everyone's faces whenever they passed by. Truly was just admiring the cold breeze of wind. Just as I flip the next page of my book, his hands travelled around to cradle my stomach affectionately, causing me to have butterflies — fluttering inside, just from his soft touch.

As he pushes my hair away from my face, he plants a soft kiss on my forehead. "Draco, what are you doing here?" I asked curiously. "I missed you." He replies while I let out a smile and gave him a peck on his cheek.

"You're really petite." He jeered as my annoyance made me hit his shoulder upon hearing what he said,

"Oh piss off!"

"What time is it?" I added.

"About 5 in the afternoon" He pauses as he watches me carefully, questioning why I had that sudden reaction.

"Why.." He added as soon as he noticed my features changed, realizing that I have to go to DA meeting. I've been disappearing on him, multiple times and him in particular, is not even allowed to know about its presence.

"Hermione's asking me to come help her with ehrm a few prefect duties." I lied. I can't let him know about DA. Harry would never regain my trust if ever I told Draco about this. I mean, anything could go wrong — just by the fact that Draco's a prefect and part of the Inquisitorial Squad.

"Why can't that mugblood do it by herself?"

"Draco, will you quit saying that word. You know how much all of us hates that especially when you say it." I said, feeling immensely disappointed in what he had said.

"Just get back here, early." He takes my shoulder and I pulled him into a quick hug, realizing how lucky I am to be with him. "I love you."

"I love you more, Draco."

I waved goodbye and head off to the Room of requirement — just in time for our DA secret meeting.  Just as I was heading to the hallway, I push my way through, approaching a large billboard surrounded by murmuring students; seeing a large parchment hanging from the wall.

Breathe, Amoura; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now