Chapter 3

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A few days later, Kathleen woke up hearing clattering coming from downstairs and she rushed downstairs, grabbing her robe on the way. She went into the kitchen to see Allison in the kitchen and she took a deep breath and she tied her robe around her.

"Allison, sweetie what are you doing? You gave me a heart attack," Kathleen said walking to her.

"Morning, Mum!" Allison smiled, "I'm making breakfast," Allison said.

"Right... Uh, why?" Kathleen asked.

"It's your birthday," Allison said.

"Thanks, sweetie, want some help?" Kathleen asked.

"Nope, I got it," Allison said and the doorbell rang.

"Okay... Be careful," Kathleen said and walked to the door, she unlocked the door and saw Mr Gold, "Mr Gold... What a surprise," Kathleen said with a smile.

"I thought I'd drop this off," Mr Gold said and handed over an envelope

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"I thought I'd drop this off," Mr Gold said and handed over an envelope.

"Aw, thank you," Kathleen took it and opened it, pulling out a birthday card, "That's sweet... Thank you," Kathleen said.

"You're welcome, so what are you planning to do today?" Mr Gold asked.

"Allison is currently making my birthday breakfast then she wants to go to the diner to see Henry, Emma and Mary Margaret... I'm not sure why... Then I'm not sure, but I know we're having Chinese tonight," Kathleen said.

"Whoops!" Allison said.

Kathleen and Mr Gold ran to her to see cereal topped over onto the ground. Kathleen took a deep breath, "Thank goodness..." She said.

Mr Gold relaxed, "How about you and I make your mother her breakfast and Miss Smith get's ready," Mr Gold suggested.

"Oh, you don't have to," Kathleen said.

"It's no bother," Mr Gold said and walked to Allison before crouching down and the two began to clean up.

"Thank you," Kathleen said and walked out of the room.

"Thank you, Mr Gold," Allison said.

"How about you and I make your mother some pancakes for her breakfast?" Mr Gold suggested.

"Mum doesn't let me use the stove," Allison said.

"I'll do it all and you just help then, if she gets annoyed I'll take the blame okay?" He said and Allison nodded.

Once Kathleen was dressed, she walked downstairs and heard Mr Gold and Allison talking.

"How do you know Mum likes strawberries for her breakfast?" Allison asked.

"Call it a lucky guess," Mr Gold said.

"Thank you," Allison said.

"It's quite alright, dear," Mr Gold said and looked up to see Kathleen.

The Crocodile's Love [OUAT || RUMPELSTILTSKIN || Crocodile's Love #1]Where stories live. Discover now