Chapter 22

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Sidney was drinking coffee in Granny's Diner when Emma entered and sat across from him as Kathleen sat beside him.

"Hey, Sidney," Emma said.

"Hi," Kathleen said.

"Emma... Kathleen, hey. So, things certainly did work out, didn't they? For... For your friend?" Sidney said.

"You told me you could help with Mary Margaret and I wanted to believe you. But, eventually, there are things that even a blind Sheriff cannot ignore," Emma said and pulled out the wiretap, placing it on the table.

"Is that a bug," Sidney said.

"Oh, for God sakes, Sidney. Drop it, you're as sticky as they come and," Kathleen removed her badge sliding it to Emma who took it as Kathleen turned fully to him, left knee bent on the seat, "I hate sticky people," Kathleen said.

"Now, we can do this my way, which is nicer or I let Kathleen unleash the anger inside of her for her brother onto you and I'll walk away like it's nothing. Your choice," Emma said.

"Y-Your way," Sidney said.

"Awe, party pooper," Kathleen said and sat straight.

"You fooled me, you spied on me and you," Emma slid Kathleen's badge back to her and Kathleen put the badge back on her belt, "Reported it all back to that sick, crazy woman. I can't even imagine what she has on you, but it must be something huge," Emma said.

"She's a good Mayor," Sidney said.

"She tried to get Mary Margaret convicted of a murder that didn't even happen. You're in a lot of trouble. There is a DNA trail in a basement of some house out there and we're going to find it and she's going to go away," Emma said.

"Maybe, but, I wouldn't bet against her, she's an amazing woman," Sidney said.

"Do you... Are you in love with her?" Emma noticed Kathleen's disgusted look on her face, "Fine, whatever," Emma rolled her eyes, "Here's the thing, before you know it, we will have that evidence and you need to think long and hard," Emma said.

"See, here's the thing sticky man," Kathleen glanced at Emma, "Emma believes you can change, where I," She looked at back Sidney as he looked at her, "I know otherwise, I know the type of man you are deep down. So, here's what we're offering you, either help us and help yourself or you're going to go down with her, too," Kathleen said.

On the main street, August got on his motorcycle and drove off, Mr Gold was watching from a distance then followed August in his car.


Rumpelstiltskin and Baelfire were walking through the forest and they came across several children play duelling with wooden swords.

"Hey," Rumpelstiltskin put his hand on his son's shoulder and looked at him, "Why don't you join in, Bae? I have some business nearby that would bore you," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Alright," Baelfire said.

Rumpelstiltskin walked up a hill towards a house as Baelfire went to join the other children but the children scattered. He sat on a log by himself when Morraine joined him.

"Baelfire," Morraine said.

"Careful, Morraine. You don't want to be seen with me, I'm dangerous," Baelfire said.

"They're just scared of your Papa, but I'm not. You won't let him hurt me, I don't think he's so bad anyway. I saw him on the battlefield when he stopped the fighting. It was like a miracle," Morraine said.

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