Chapter 5

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The next day, Kathleen and Allison were at Mary Margaret's loft, Allison was doing homework on the table as Kathleen helped Emma with her things.

"I'm so glad my stuff is here, you sure you don't mind helping?" Emma asked Kathleen.

"No, I don't mind, I have weekends off so I'm happy to help," Kathleen said.

Mary Margaret walked over and handed them both their breakfast, "Oh, thanks," They both say taking a plate from her.

"So, that's all your stuff?" Mary Margaret asked.

"What do you mean?" Emma asked her.

"She means is the rest in storage?" Kathleen asked.

"No, this is all of it. I'm not sentimental," Emma said.

"I wish I wasn't," Kathleen said.

"Well, it must make things easier when you have to move," Mary Margaret said then there was a knock at the door, she walked over and opened the door to see Mr Gold.

"Miss Blanchard. Is Miss Swan here?" Emma got up and walked to the door, as well. Mr Gold shook her hand, "Hi, my name's Mr Gold. We met briefly on your arrival," He introduced himself properly.

"I remember," Emma said with a nod.

"Good. I have a proposition for you, Miss Swan. I, uh... I need your help. I'm looking for someone," Mr Gold said.

"Really? Um..." Emma said.

"You know what? I'm going to go jump in the bath," Mary Margaret said and walked into her bathroom.

"I have a photo. Her name is Ashley Boyd and she's taken something quite valuable of mine," Mr Gold told her as he handed her a photo.

"So, what don't you just go to the police? Kathleen's here," Emma said as she looked at the photo as they both walked into the apartment.

Kathleen looked up at Mr Gold, "Morning, Mr Gold," She said and walked over to Allison.

"Morning, Miss Smith," He said and looked at Emma, "Because, she's a confused young woman. She's pregnant, alone and confused. I don't want to ruin this young girl's life, but I just want my property returned," Mr Gold said.

"What is it?" Emma asked.

"Well, one of the advantages of you not being the police is discretion. Let's just say it's a precious object and leave it that," Mr Gold said.

"When'd you see her last?" Emma asked.

"Last night, that's how I got this," Mr Gold showed her a cut on the side of his head, "It's so unlike her. She was quite wound up. Rambling on and on about changing her life. I have no idea what got into her. Miss Swan, please help me find her. My only other choice is the police, and I don't think anyone wants to see that baby born in jail now, do they?" Mr Gold said.

"No, of course not," Emma said.

"Do, you'll help me, then?" Mr Gold asked.

"I will help her," Emma said.

"Grand," Mr Gold said.

Emma looked at Kathleen, "Can you work off the record... You know the town better than me?" Emma said

"Yeah, sure," Kathleen said.

"I, uh," Kathleen looked at Mr Gold, "It's nothing," Mr Gold said.

Henry walked in without knocking, "Hey, Emma. I was thinking we-" Henry said.

"Hey, Henry. How are you?" Mr Gold asked.

"Okay?" Henry said unsure but smiled at him.

"Good, give my regards to your mother and, um, good luck Miss Smith, Miss Swan," Mr Gold said as he walked out, but he looked at Allison and Kathleen slightly concerned before he closed the door behind him.

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