Chapter 19

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Emma, Kathleen and Mr Gold walked into the station to see Allison and Henry sat on a bench reading the storybook.

"Henry, Allison, what are you two doing here?" Emma asked.

"We came to congratulate you two," Henry said as they walked over to them.

"For what?" Kathleen asked.

"Your genius plan," Henry said.

"And what plan's that, Henry, Allison?" Henry and Allison don't answer Mr Gold, "Right," Mr Gold said and walked away, leaving the four to talk in the hallway.

"Sorry, I thought Mr Gold was in on it, now that he's Miss Blanchard's lawyer," Henry said.

"In on what?" Kathleen asked.

"The escape plan," Allison said.

"The what?" Emma asked.

"Sheriff, Deputy, could you both join me, please?" Mr Gold called out, the four of them walked to him and saw the cell empty, "She's gone," Mr Gold said.

"Kids, what did you do?" Emma asked.

"Nothing," Allison said.

"She was gone when we got here," Henry said.

"Her arraignment's tomorrow. If she's not there..." Mr Gold said.

"She's a fugitive. Doesn't matter if she's convicted for Kathryn or not, she's screwed," Kathleen said.

"I have to go find her before someone notices she's missing," Emma said.

"Oh, you mean Regina?" Mr Gold said.

"The arraignment's at 8:00 a.m. I'm sure she'll be here bright and early to celebrate her victory," Emma said.

"Well, you have until 8 a.m., then," Mr Gold said.

"Uh, what about me? How can I help?" Henry asked her.

"Go home," Emma said.

"Emma, if she leaves Storybrooke..." Henry said.

"Not now, Henry. Come on," Emma said.

"Miss Swan, I know time is of the essence, but if Miss Blanchard doesn't return... Her future's in jeopardy and if you're caught helping her, so is yours," Mr Gold said.

"I don't care. I'd rather lose my job than my friend," Emma looked at Kathleen, "Keep an eye on things," Emma said.

"Will do," Kathleen said.

Henry and Emma left and Mr Gold looked at her, "Allison... Go sit in Emma's office and close the doors while I talk to Mr Gold please sweetie," Kathleen said.

"Okay, Mum," Allison said and walked into the office closing the doors.

Kathleen looked at him, "What the bloody hell are you doing?" Kathleen asked him.

"I have no idea what you're implying, dearie," Mr Gold said.

"Rumpel, don't play games, this is where I work, this is where I keep the roof over mine and Naomi's head," Kathleen said pointing to the ground.

"I'm well aware of that, dear," Mr Gold said.

"Whatever you're doing, stop before it's too late," Kathleen said.

"Again, I have no idea what you're on about," Mr Gold said.

"You might have your limp back but you're still the Crocodile I remember," Kathleen said.

"Now, now, dearie, watch it, you don't want our daughter to figure out her precious Mama is lying to her, do we?" Mr Gold said.

"What?" Kathleen said.

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