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A pirate's heart is to the sea, no matter what.

A captain must always go down with his ship.

Family before all else, no matter what.

These rules, Calista Jones lived by for hundred years, she was a pirate, she wasn't a captain but she was second in command to her older brother and family mattered most of all to her.

These rules, Calista Jones lived by for hundred years, she was a pirate, she wasn't a captain but she was second in command to her older brother and family mattered most of all to her

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"Captain! What's our port of destination?" A chubby man with a red beanie asked.

The Captain screwed on his hook and held a magic bean, just as he was about to toss the bean into the water, "CALISTA JONES! GET OVER HERE AND GET TO WORK! YOU WHORE!" A man yelled.

The Captain lowered his arm and turned to see a woman, who hadn't seen before but she looked so familiar to him. He watched as a young woman with messy brown hair, in rags hurried towards the man who just insulted her, "Cali?" The Captain said and handed the chubby man the bean, "Mr Smee, hold onto that... I need to check on something," He said and walked off his ship, which was the Jolly Roger.

The young woman, Calista, walked to her master and looked at her feet, the man grabbed her face and made her look at him, "You disgust me. You're filthy and vile," The man said.

"Forgive me, sir. I have not been able to bathe yet, you keep me so busy," Calista said.

"Are you implying it is my fault?!" The man struck her face and dragged her into an alleyway, "Perhaps you need a lesson in manners and a reminder who's in charge," The man said as he began to removed his belt.

Instantly Calista knew what was coming and she cowered against the wall, she covered her face with her arms, her eyes closed tightly shut in fear of her master. 


"Cali?" The Captain said.

Calista slowly lowered her arms and gasped covering her mouth when she saw her master on the ground in a pool of his blood. The Captain placed his remaining hand on her shoulder and she flinched looking at him. Calista blinked and looked at him, she looked him in the eyes and noticed his eyes and features anywhere, it may have been over 10 years since they last saw each other, but she knew who her brother was, "Big brother, Killian?" Calista said.

Killian smiled at her softly, "Yes, yes, it's me," Killian said.

Calista rushed into his arms and sobbed, "Killian!" She said.

The Crocodile's Love [OUAT || RUMPELSTILTSKIN || Crocodile's Love #1]Where stories live. Discover now