Chapter 18

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At the pawnshop, Kathleen was checking on Allison and she was in the backroom doing her homework.

Allison looked at her, "Are we going home yet, Mum?" Allison asked.

"No, sweetie, I got to be at the station a little longer, sorry," Kathleen said.

"Oh, okay," Allison said.

Kathleen walked into the front of the shop and sighed, she ran her hand through her hair, "This is ridiculous," She whispered.

"Need a drink?" Gold asked.

"I don't need a drink, Rum... Gold, I need to figure out where the bloody hell Kathryn is and get this whole thing over with," Kathleen said.

Gold looked at her, "Well, you're not going to find it here... Go, go be a Deputy and do what you do best," He said.

"What I do best is annoying you," Kathleen said.

"Yes, but I meant what Kathleen does best which is finding out the truth," Mr Gold said.

"Ah, yes... You're okay watching her a little longer right? She did say that she wasn't feeling right this morning, but it could be everything with Mary Margaret," Kathleen sighed.

"It's fine," Mr Gold said.

"If you need to go anywhere or if you need her out of the way, Granny and Ruby will watch her, they quite enjoy her company at the diner," Kathleen said.

"I'll watch her, don't worry," Mr Gold said.

"Thank you," Kathleen said and walked out of the pawnshop, she got into her car and drove herself to the station.

Kathleen parked up beside Emma's car and walked into the station, where Emma was Mary Margaret's mug shots.

"Please turn to the right," Emma said.

Mary Margaret turned to the right as she looked at Emma, "Emma, this is a mistake, I didn't kill Kathryn," Mary Margaret said.

"Of course you didn't. But, while I am your friend, I am also the Sheriff and I have to go where the evidence leads," Emma said.

"Which points to me? Emma, Kathleen, yesterday it was David. There's something not right here," Mary Margaret said.

"Oh, we know, but they were your fingerprints, not his. So, now we have to deal with this," Kathleen said.

"Evidence that says I cut out Kathryn's heart and buried it in the woods... This is insane," Mary Margaret said.

"If we don't book you, with all this evidence, it's going to look like favouritism and then, Regina will have a cause and she will fire me and then, you know what she'll do? She'll bring in someone who will railroad you. So, please, just try to be patient and trust us. We can't even move forward till we verify the heart belonged to Kathryn and I am still waiting for the DNA test results, but, in the meantime, you need to bear with us. We have to ask you a few questions," Emma said and gestured to the interrogation room.

"This is crazy, I would never hurt anyone," Mary Margaret said.

The three of them walked into the interrogation room where Regina was sat waiting for them.

Regina looked at them, "Hello, Miss Blanchard," Regina said.

"What is she doing here?" Mary Margaret said.

"She asked to be here as a third party to make sure that we stay impartial, it can only help you," Emma said.

"I have nothing to hide," Mary Margaret sat in front of Regina, "Ask me anything," Mary Margaret said.

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