Chapter 8

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Kathleen and Emma walked into the diner through the back entrance that leads to the B&B and saw Graham standing opposite them, he was playing darts.

Ruby looked at them, "Emma! Kath! What can I get you both?" Ruby asked them.

"Nothing," The two women said and they walked to the diner's exit.

Graham had enough and threw a dart in their direction, it landed between their heads. Emma and Kathleen turned to him, "What the hell? You could've hit us!" Emma said.

"I never miss. You both have been avoiding me since last night when you both saw me-" Graham said.

"Leaving the Mayor? And yes, darling, that is a euphemism," Kathleen said.

"We're not avoiding you, Graham, neither of us just have no interest in having this conversation. It's your life, I really don't care," Emma said.

"I just care that you lied to me for how many years about this so-called night shifts, but other than that, I don't care where you get your comfort," Kathleen said and they both left the diner with Graham after them.

"If neither of you care then why are you both so upset?" Graham asked them.

"I'm not upset," Emma said.

"I'm not interested in this conversation, bye-bye," Kathleen said and walked off.

Kathleen crossed the street and walked past Mr Gold's shop as he stepped out, "Miss Smith," She turned to him, "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes, thank you, Mr Gold," She said ad started to leave.

"Forgive me, but have you ever seen this before?" She turned to see him holding a spyglass and she took it from him, "I know you're a fan of pirates. I was wondering if you knew, anything of it," He asked her.

Kathleen looked at it and removed the cover to the lens and looked through it, "Good quality that's for sure, must've been a female pirate who owned this," She looked at it, "I'd say roughly 1718 around the time Blackbeard was about, but other than that," She handed it back to him, "I know nothing," She said.

Mr Gold took it, "Thank you, why do you say it was a female?" He asked.

"Well, considering the other spyglass you have in your shop, the lens is crack and broken and there's damage on the spyglass itself which shows that it has been knocked around and not been taken care of properly," Kathleen said.

"Can you believe him?!" Emma said as she walked up to them.

"Huh?" Kathleen looked at Emma confused.

"Hello Miss Swan," Mr Gold said.

"Hello, Mr Gold... Sorry, am I interrupting?" Emma asked.

"No, not at all," Mr Gold looked at Kathleen, "Thank you for your help, Miss Smith," He said and walked into his shop.

"Do I want to know?" Emma asked.

"It's nothing, I'm not entirely sure myself, to be honest," She looked back at Emma, "What happened?" She asked.

"He kissed me," Emma said.

Kathleen scoffed, "I'm sorry, he what?" Kathleen said.

"Yeah. I told him that he wasn't going to find what he was looking to feel with me... Has he ever said to you that he needs to feel something?" Emma asked.

"Darling, if he said that to me I'd hit him where it hurts," Kathleen said.

"See, this is why we're friends," Emma said and they chuckled.

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