Chapter 12

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Kathleen and Allison were walked to the castle playground were Emma was and Henry rode up on his bike.

"Hey, kid," Allison ran past her and Henry rode past her, "Nice to see you, too," Emma said.

Kathleen walked to her, "Morning," She said and they walked up.

The castle playground was completely destroyed, "The storm!" Henry said.

"It's okay, we can fix it," Emma said.

"I'll talk to Marco," Kathleen said.

Allison and Henry ran to the destroyed castle, "Do you think it's still here?" Allison asked, they both went down onto their knees and began to dig in the sand near the base of the playground.

"What are you two looking for?" Emma asked.

"My book," Henry said.

"Why'd you bury it here?" Kathleen asked.

"So my mom doesn't find it," Henry said.

"Hiding it under your mattress wasn't good enough?" Emma asked.

The two children uncovered a red metal box that they buried and Henry unlocked it, "That's the first place the Evil Queen would look," Henry said.

"How about leaving it with me?" Emma asked.

"That's the second place," Henry said.

"What about with us?" Kathleen asked.

"That's the third," Allison said and she opened the box to see the storybook inside.

"It's still here, good," Henry said.

"So, your mom doesn't know about the castle?" Kathleen asked.

"No, this is our secret," Henry said as he closed and relocked the box, started to rebury it with Allison's help.

Regina drove up and walked over, "Henry! Henry! I've been looking everywhere for you. You know you have a session with Archie this morning," Regina looked at Emma, "I should've known he was with you," She turned back to Henry, "Henry. Car. Now," She said and he ran off to the car.

Allison walked to Kathleen and stood slightly behind her.

Regina looked at the broken castle and turned to Emma and Kathleen, "You let them both play here?" She asked them.

"The storm hit it hard, but we can fix it," Emma said.

"well, can you fix a cracked cranium? Because that's what you'll have on your hands if one of these boards collapse under their weight," Regina looked at Emma, "You're not thinking about Henry or his safety. Just ways around me. Miss Swan, don't let your feelings cloud your judgement. People can get hurt," Regina said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"Emma asked.

"You're the Sheriff now, it's time to be responsible," Regina said.

"You're the Sheriff now, it's time to be responsible," Regina said

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