Chapter 6

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Emma, Graham and Kathleen were at the station, Kathleen watched as Emma held up a uniform.

"A tie? You know you don't have to dress a woman as a man to give her authority," Emma said.

"Have I ever told you how much I love your attitude?" Kathleen asked and chuckled.

"So, you both think you can get people to do what you both want in a red coat and a black denim?" Graham asked them.

"Don't I always?" Kathleen asked him.

"I'm getting you to do what I want, right now," Emma said as she dropped the uniform on his desk.

"Well, at least wear the badge," Graham held out the badge, "Go on, take it. If you really want to be apart of this community, we have to make it official," Graham said.

Emma took the badge and clipped it onto her belt, there was a violent shake and all the phones in the station started ringing.

Emma took the badge and clipped it onto her belt, there was a violent shake and all the phones in the station started ringing

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The entire town was gathered around the entrance of the mining tunnels. Graham, Emma and Kathleen stood together.

Kathleen looked at Graham, "Do I really need to keep being dragged along to everything?" Kathleen asked.

"Your personality keeps everyone at bay," Graham said.

"I don't know if that's a compliment or not," Kathleen said.

"I'd take it as both," Emma said.

"True," Kathleen said and put her hands in her denim jacket pockets.

Regina arrived in her car and walked towards them, "Everyone! Step back, please!" She said and as she walked in front of the people.

"Is that a crater?" Ruby asked.

"No, there were tunnels - old mines, something collapsed," Marco said.

Regina walked to Graham and Kathleen, "Sheriff, set up a police perimeter. Detective, keep everyone at bay. Marco, why don't you help with the fire department?" Regina noticed Emma stood beside Kathleen, "Miss Swan, this is now official town business. You're free to go," Regina said.

"Well, actually, I work for the town now," Emma said.

"She's the new deputy," Kathleen said.

Regina looked at Graham, "And they say the Mayor's always the last to know," Regina said, not happy with the news at all.

"It's in my budget," Graham said.

"Indeed," Regina looked at Emma, "Deputy, why don't you join the Detective and make yourself useful with crowd control," Regina said and stepped away to standing in front of the crowd of people.

Kathleen and Emma looked at each other, Emma leaned to Kathleen's ear, "She always like this?" Emma asked in a whispered.

"Pretty much, yeah," Kathleen said quietly with a nod as they watched Regina.

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