Chapter 23

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Henry, Kathleen and Allison were in a booth at Granny, the children had a cup of hot chocolate each with a plate of food, Kathleen had a cup of coffee and a dish in front out her with the storybook on the table.

Emma walked in and sat next to Henry, "Hey, what's the emergency?" Emma asked.

"Shh! This is sensitive," Henry said.

"If it's sensitive, why are we at Granny's, out in the open?" Kathleen asked.

"We're hungry," Allison said.

"Oh, fair enough," Kathleen said.

Henry looked between Emma and Kathleen, "Who else knows that we hide the book at the Sheriff's station?" Henry asked.

"No one, why?" Emma asked.

"Someone changed it. There's a new story in it," Henry said and opened the book.

"Why would someone add a new story?" Kathleen asked.

"To tell us something we need to know about the curse," Henry said.

"And what would that be?" Emma asked.

"I don't know, the story isn't finished," Henry said.

"Why would someone go to so much trouble to add a new story and then not bother finishing it?" Emma asked.

"That's what's weird, the story's about Pinocchio, everyone knows how that ends," Allison said as Henry turned to the new pages.

"Well, maybe that's why it was left out," Emma said.

"Or, maybe, there's more to it," Henry said.

"Kids, you're going to be late for school, let's go," Kathleen said.

Later at Mr Gold's shop, "Rumpel, you can't do this," Kathleen said

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Later at Mr Gold's shop, "Rumpel, you can't do this," Kathleen said.

"I have to Cali, I know you care for them but I need to do this," Mr Gold said.

"No... She needs your help Rumpel, please," Kathleen said.

"I can't do as you ask, Calista, forgive me," Mr Gold said as he looked at her.

"This... This will really help us... Be a family?" Kathleen asked.

"I believe so," Mr Gold said.

Emma walked into the pawnshop, "Gold, I need your help," Emma said as she walked over to them.

"Hello, Miss Swan, what do I owe this honour to?" He asked.

"I need help to get Henry from Regina," Emma said.

"I see," Mr Gold said.

"I have to save him, I have to get Henry away from Regina," Emma said.

"I must admit, your intentions are admirable. However, I won't be taking your case," Mr Gold said.

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