Chapter 25

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Kathleen walked into the shop, "Is she okay?" Mr Gold asked.

"She cried herself to sleep... I should... I should go to the hospital," Kathleen said.

"Dear, I know you care for Emma and Henry but our daughter needs her mother when she doesn't even remember her father," Mr Gold said.

"I'll... I'll call Emma," Kathleen said.

"You need to be calm before you talk to her, you know that," Mr Gold said.

Kathleen sighed and walked to the sword collection and picked up hers. She twirled the sword in her hand as he watched her, "Calm down, I'm not gonna use it, I'm just helping myself to relax," Kathleen said.

"I know, you used to do a lot when I gave you back your sword," Mr Gold said.

"Yes and again I'm glad you got this and not that witch bitch Regina," Kathleen said.

"I agree, now, come here and calm down before our daughter sees her mother swinging a sword around like a pro," Mr Gold said.

"Oh, I think you," She pointed to him with the sword, "Just gave me a compliment," She said.

"Yes, I did, now, come have a drink," Mr Gold said as he poured her drink and she walked over to him, "You could've left the sword over there," Mr Gold said.

"No, it's mine and I would like it back," Kathleen said taking the glass.

"Very well," Mr Gold said.

"Thank you," Kathleen said and they looked at each other.

Emma and Regina walked into the shop, the two looked at them, "Do my eyes deceive me, or is that the look of a believer?" Mr Gold said.

"We need your help," Emma looked at Kathleen, "Kath?" She said.

"My names Calista Jones... I'm Rumpelstiltskin's wife," Kathleen said.

"You... You were in on this?" Emma asked.

"I assure you whatever you think my wife has done she has not, she was always in my ear trying to stop me," Mr Gold looked at Emma, "And indeed you do, need my help. It seems quite the tragic ailment has befallen our young friend," Mr Gold looked at Regina, "I told you, magic comes with a price," He said.

"Henry shouldn't have to pay it," Regina said.

"No, you should, but alas, we are where we are, because of you," Kathleen said.

"Can you help us?" Emma asked Mr Gold.

"Of course. True love, Miss Swan... The only magic powerful enough to transcend realms and break any curse. Luckily for you, I happen to have bottled some," Mr Gold said.

"You did?" Regina asked confusedly.

"Oh, yes," He looked at Emma, "From strands of your parents' hair, I made the most powerful potion in all the realm. So powerful, that when I created the Dark Curse, I placed a single drop on the parchment, just a little safety valve," Mr Gold said.

"That's why I'm the saviour. That's why I can break the curse," Emma said.

"Now, you're getting it," Mr Gold said.

"I don't care about breaking the curse. All I care about is saving Henry," Emma said.

"Spoken like a true mother," Kathleen smiled.

"Indeed and it's your lucky day. I didn't use all the potion, I saved some... For a rainy day," Mr Gold said.

"Well, it's storming like a bitch. Where is it?" Emma asked.

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