Chapter 17

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Kathleen walked into the station and took a deep breath as she walked into Emma's office to see David with Emma.

Emma handed David a cup of tea, "Thank you. I hope Kathrry's somewhere warm, not out in the cold," David said.

"David I think you need to start worrying about yourself a little bit more here. Your wife is missing, you are in love with another woman. There's this..." Emma pointed to the phone bill, "Unexplained phone call," Emma said.

"I know, I know. I just... I can't explain why it says that. I didn't do anything to my wife," David said.

"I'm pretty good at spotting a liar and honestly, liards have better material. Now, go home," Emma said.

"I can go?" David asked.

"We don't even know if there was a crime yet. So, get some sleep," Kathleen said.

"Thank you," David said and stood up.

"And David," He looked at Emma, "Maybe... Get a lawyer," Emma said and he left the station.

"This is... This is bad," Kathleen said and looked at the phone records.

"You call Sidney sticky... What has he done something in the past?" Emma asked.

"You could say that he doesn't have a very honest head on his shoulders," Kathleen said.

Emma and Kathleen were walking down the street when Mary Margaret ran up to catch up to them

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Emma and Kathleen were walking down the street when Mary Margaret ran up to catch up to them.

"Is he okay? David?" She asked them.

"Oh, yeah. He's a little shaken up, but he's headed home. He's fine," Emma said.

"Any word from Kathryn?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Nothing new," Emma said.

"Did you check with Boston again?" Mary Margaret asked.

"She's not there, Mary Margaret," Kathleen said.

"So, we have no idea what happened to her?" Mary Margaret asked.

"All we know is that she found out about you two, gave you a well-deserved slap and then disappeared," Kathleen said.

"Well-deserved?" Mary Margaret stopped walking and they looked at her, "Do you both really believe that?" Mary Margaret said.

"No, I'm just preparing you for what everyone else is going to think. You two are going to look bad until we figure the truth out," Kathleen said.

"You mean David? Th-That people are going to think that in order to... Be free with me..." Mary Margaret said.

"Some are and he's not doing himself any favours. So, if there's anything you could think of to pin down his whereabouts that night," Emma said.

"He wasn't with me, we really are through," Mary Margaret said.

The three walked down the street and saw Ruby waiting at the bus stop and Dr Whale who was talking to her.

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