Chapter 24

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Kathleen was in Mr Gold's shop, "Calista, calm down," Mr Gold said.

"I cannot calm down," Kathleen said.

"You're normally so level headed," Mr Gold said.

"Shut up," Kathleen said and poured herself a drink.

Regina walked into the shop, "Miss Smith, please leave," Regina said.

"Hmm... Nah, you don't have control of my husband's shop and I'm done pretending to be asleep, so, please, use my name... My real name," Kathleen said and drunk her drink.

"When did you wake her up and how did you wake her up?" Regina asked Mr Gold.

"I don't believe I had any control, I believe I was just a trigger," Mr Gold said.

"I began waking up because of the mines, but I didn't believe it because Kathleen doesn't believe in that stuff. I asked you if you'd ever be with someone who was like Rumpel and you said know... I'm surprised you didn't know I was awake then," Kathleen smiled, "And... I will always pick my family... Now... Anything you want to say to him, you can say to me. You both have destroyed my place of work and you will tell me what is going on, or I will do exactly what I've wanted to do since I woke up... Kill you," Kathleen said looking at Regina.

"Funny, and you actually haven't," Regina said.

"You might like being the monster your child fears, but I don't. I'll change for my daughter, will you change for your son?" Kathleen questioned and Regina didn't answer.

"So, Your Majesty, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Mr Gold asked her.

"My tree is dying, why?" Regina asked.

"Perhaps, it's your fertiliser," Kathleen said.

"You think this is funny?" Regina asked.

"Yep, hilarious," Kathleen said and poured her and Gold another drink, sliding one to Gold.

"Well, I'll tell you what I think. I think it's a sign of the curse weakening because of Emma, but, do you care?" Regina looked at Mr Gold, "No. You're content to just sit back with your wife and do... Whatever it is you're both doing, while all my hard work burns," Regina said.

"Aww, poor Regina," Kathleen said sarcastically.

"That's not all, is it? Come on, you might as well get everything all your chest," Mr Gold said.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Regina said.

"Henry... Miss Swan wants him," Mr Gold said.

"She'll have that boy over my dead body," Regina said.

"And I'll be happy to help with the dead body part," Kathleen said with a smirk.

"The curse was meant to take away Snow White and Prince Charming's happiness. Perhaps, you giving up Henry is just the price to keep the curse unbroken," Mr Gold said.

"I think I'd rather just get rid of her," Regina said.

"Well, well. You're going to have to be quite creative. We both know that repercussions in killing Miss Swan. The curse will be..." Mr Gold said.

"The curse will be broke," Regina interrupted, "That's because you designed it that way. Undo it," Regina said.

"You know... Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. Magic... Well... Is in short supply around here and dwindling by the minute," Mr Gold said.

"You want the curse broken. Why?... You can make new memories with your daughter so I know it's not about her," Regina said.

"That's not something I care to discuss," Mr Gold said.

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