Chapter 10

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Calista stormed onto the Jolly Roger deck and she stood by the edge.

"Cali, seriously, come on!" Killian followed after her, "I didn't mean it like that!" He said and the crew looked at them.

"Oh, you didn't mean... I'm just a little girl who can't do anything?! Well, you know what Killian I can't do anything! I'm just a girl! I don't deserve anything!" Calista said.

"Don't put words in my mouth, sister," Killian said.

"No, but it's true. I mean your crew think it," Calista tilted her head and looked at the crew, "And it's what," She pointed to him, "You've said, to Mr Smee... That I can't do anything... Well, I'm sorry I'm not brave, I'm not strong, I'm not a pirate," Calista said.

Killian chuckled and shook his head, "You're wrong and it's ironic how you're not seeing it," Killian said.

"I'm pissed, do not laugh at me, brother," Calista said.

"Forgive me, sister... But... How can you not see it?" Calista looked confused.

"What?" Calista asked.

"You say you're not brave or strong, but you're yelling at me, in anger with no weapon, nothing but your mouth... You're brave, you just haven't realised it, yet," Killian said.

Calista looked at him shocked, "But..." Calista said.

"But nothing, sister," Killian stepped to her and placed his hand and hook on her arms, "You'll become someone neither of us sees now, but someone we both will welcome," Killian said.

"You... You say Liam is the noble one between you both... I think that's you," Calista said and wrapped her arms around his waist as he smiled a little and hugged back.

"Our brother was the noble one, he lived and died a hero," Killian said.

"You saved me... He didn't... He wasn't my hero," Calista pulled away, she looked at him, "You are," Calista said and walked below deck.

"Sister," Killian followed her and she looked at him, "Come with me, I want to show you something," Killian said and they walked into his Quarters.  

Killian walked into his closet and brought out a box, "What is this?" Calista asked.

"It's, uh, it's a few of Milah's things... You can't keep altering our clothes for you to wear," Killian said and he placed the box on his desk.

"I'm going to wear the dead lover's clothes?" Calista asked.

"I thought, when we dropped Milah into the sea I'd never find anything to love or help and then," Killian looked at her, "I heard your name and saw you all grown up, scared, terrified and alone with a master... If you don't want the clothes, I understand but you need something better and we can't leave Neverland, not without his permission," Killian said.

"Alright, brother," Calista lifted off the lid of the box and looked at the clothes, "Thank you..." Calista said.

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