Chapter 20

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One Week Ago

Mr Gold walked into Regina's office to see her fiddling with a ring then held it to her lips.

"Remembrance of things past?" He questioned her.

"What do you want?" Regina asked as she lowered the ring and looked at him.

"I need a favour," Mr Gold said.

"You need a favour from me?" Regina asked Mr Gold.

"Well, as you know, there are battery charges against me... Pending. I don't relish the thought of spending any more time locked up in a cage. Now, someone with your influence can make the D.A. suddenly realise what a flimsy case they have. Isn't that right... Your Majesty?" Mr Gold asked.

"What do I get out of it?" Regina asked as she sat down in her chair.

"Help, with your Mary Margaret problem. You see, I've noticed that no matter how hard you seem to try to stop them, she and her 'charming' friend just keep finding ways to be together," Mr Gold said.

"What are you suggesting?" Regina asked.

"If you want to inflict pain... Then you must inflict pain. If something tragic were to happen to David's wife and if Mary Margaret should take the blame-" Mr Gold said.

"She'd be ruined," Regina interrupted.

"And you'd have your victory, at last," Regina said.

"A trial could be very messy," Regina said.

"A trial?" He smirked, "Who said anything about a trail? Now, once Miss Blanchard has been incarcerated, you can plant one of your lovely skeleton keys in her cell and once she tries to leave Storybrooke, well... We all know what happens to people who attempt to leave town," Mr Gold said.

"Give me one good reason why I should trust you," Regina said.

"Because I always honour my agreements, so we have a deal?" Mr Gold asked her.

"What about your slumbering wife? When she wakes up and finds out... I'm sure you'll have trouble on your hands," Regina said.

"I can handle my wife, her friendship with Miss Blanchard is nothing I can't handle," Mr Gold said.

Present Day

Emma and Kathleen were leaving the diner, Kathleen drunk her coffee in a takeaway cup as Emma tied her hair up in a high ponytail.

"Emma, Kathleen. Hey," David called out to them as he caught up to them.

"David, we don't have time," Emma said.

"No, I-I understand. It's Mary Margaret, how's she doing?" David asked them.

"How do you think she's doing?" Kathleen asked.

"Well, I think the last time we spoke, she didn't quite get what I meant," David said.

"Oh, you mean that you basically told her you thought she might be guilty?" Kathleen said.

"Look, it's the situation. It's been confusing and horrible for everyone, but Kathleen, Emma, I don't think she's guilty. I need her to know her, can I see her?" He asked them.

"She doesn't want visitors," Emma said.

"You mean me, she doesn't want to see me," David said.

"Honestly, David," Emma looked at him as they stood by her car, "I'm sure your heart is in the right place, but the last thing she needs right now is words of encouragement for you," Emma said and Kathleen walked around to the passenger side as Emma opened the drivers' side door.

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